Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 07:53:58 -0500
> From: Martha Edwards <>
> To: "Caller's discussion list" <>
> Subject: Re: [Callers] Caller's insurance
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> I **cannot recall a single instance in the twenty years that I have been
> dancing that a dancer sued anyone for anything. But there was an
> *insurance company* that sued our dance group to recover costs associated
> with a dancer who fell and broke a wrist. So even though we are a
> remarkably un-litigious group of people, it's not just dancers who 
> might sue, and insurance for the hall, the dance group and even the
> caller is a smart idea.
> Thank you CDSS for making it easy and affordable for us to purchase!

I have life, disability, car and condo insurance. I believe in having
insurance that ideally, as David mentioned, I never need to use. And I would
like to have callers insurance. However, it is NOT easy for me to get it. As
a Canadian and resident of Canada, even though I'm a CDSS member in good
standing, I was not eligible for this insurance when it was covered by
Callerlab. The preliminary answer from CDSS (Jeff is currently on vacation)
suggests that this has not changed even though the carrier has changed. It's

I attempted to do some digging here in Canada to see if there was some
equivalent coverage when CDSS first told me I wasn't eligible. I got nowhere
at the time and gave up. But since I'm calling more and more in the US at
bigger events, it does concern me that I could be vulnerable. 

I'd appreciate it if the Canadian callers on this list that have an interest
in pursuing insurance would email me directly. I'm curious to know how many
we are. 

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