When I need to call simple dances because we have people who can't
handle the more complex stuff, what I do to keep the experienced dancers
interested is show them some more style and variations that they can add
to their dancing.  A simple dance gives them a chance to try these
things out.

Different swing holds, entries and exits and how to negotiate them (this
list is endless!)
How two people can spin off each other as they meet in the middle of a
A Lindy Anchor on Lines Forward & Back
Better technique for twirls in Ladies' Chains
How to catch eyes in spinning Dosidos
How to twirl if you are on the end of a line going up or down the hall
A North Country Ladies' Chain
How to spin out of Allemandes - then do a dance with Contra Corners :-)
Spinning as you walk forwards into a Wave

        Every time I watch a good video on YouTube I pick up more great

        I don't pick up so many on the dance-floor as I am too busy
dancing myself!

        We can all always learn something new, and it only takes a few
seconds during a walk-through to show something new. - just one item at
a time! 

            Happy dancing,

John Sweeney, Dancer, England   j...@modernjive.com 01233 625 362 &
07802 940 574
http://www.modernjive.com for Modern Jive Events, Instructional DVDs and
Interactive Maps
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Contra Dancing in Kent

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