<<Let's try that again with better punctuation in case it joins all the
lines together again!>>

When I need to call simple dances because we have people who can't
handle the more complex stuff, what I do to keep the experienced dancers
interested is show them some more style and variations that they can add
to their dancing.  A simple dance gives them a chance to try these
things out.

- Different swing holds, entries and exits and how to negotiate them
(this list is endless!).

- How two people can spin off each other as they meet in the middle of a

- A Lindy Anchor on Lines Forward & Back.

- Better technique for twirls in Ladies' Chains.

- How to catch eyes in spinning Dosidos.

- How to twirl if you are on the end of a line going up or down the

- A North Country Ladies' Chain.

- How to spin out of Allemandes - then do a dance with Contra Corners.

- Spinning as you walk forwards into a Wave.

            Every time I watch a good video on YouTube I pick up more
great ideas.

            I don't pick up so many on the dance-floor as I am too busy
dancing myself!

            We can all always learn something new, and it only takes a
few seconds during a walk-through to show something new. - just one item
a time!  

            Happy dancing,

John Sweeney, Dancer, England   j...@modernjive.com 01233 625 362 &
07802 940 574
http://www.modernjive.com for Modern Jive Events, Instructional DVDs and
Interactive Maps
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Contra Dancing in Kent

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