Great idea Martha!  I like it.  I need to revisit the Ants/Pants thing.  I
find as a "non-traditional" student that most of the others in my classes,
while not all 18 but varying ages, greet the word dance with raised eyebrow
and glances askew.  That word alone seems to be a bit of a "turn off", that
and my age.  I think they think dancing with the stars and the like. So
while I am open to all suggestions, we all need to keep in mind, what works
for one community may not necessarily work for another.  I actually attend
classes with the sister of one of our premier college dancer promoters (she
attends another college) but the one at my school works nights that we have
dances and so cannot bring friends.  I will be checking out our "social
club" status, have not seen anything listed that suggests that we even HAVE
such a group.

Thanks guys, keep the ideas flowing and let's do as Martha suggests and come
up with a great tag that might work for all dance forms, Irish,
Scottish, English AND of course our fav...Contra!


On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Richard Hart <> wrote:

> A tagline like, "Come dance with your friends" might work, especially if
> you can put it on a poster that you give to a few of those college students
> to post on college walls, and to act as contacts for spreading the word.
> Martha Edwards remarked on 10/27/2011 10:49 AM:
>  How right you are, Mary!  Our "messaging" could use a lot of work. We have
>> a
>> fabulous overall message to deliver - community, civility, enjoyment,
>> exercise, friendliness - if all human endeavors had the mores and customs
>> of
>> many of our dance organizations, we'd have a great world to live in. But
>> it's not a succinct marketing message.
>> Spider and others succeeded with her "Ants Pants Contradance - easy
>> dancing
>> to live music" but I agree, it would be good to work a bit on finding a
>> clear, memorable, great tagline. At my company, Extra Mile Design, we
>> often
>> work with a wonderful woman, Nancy Schwartz, who is a wizard at helping
>> people find that message. She runs a tagline contest every year. I think
>> one
>> is coming up. We should, collectively, try to come up with a worthy entry.
>> Check it out:
>> http://**nonprofitmarketingtraining.**com/programs-workshops/**
>> tagline-focus-project/<>
>> M
>> E
>> On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 9:17 PM, Mary Collins<>
>>  wrote:
>>  Great ideas guys, I'll check out the CDSS information, most of this is
>>> stuff
>>> we've heard before and holding a dance on campus is a bit more than we
>>> can
>>> handle.  the sites are great and so are the suggestions, but I really am
>>> looking for a "hook" on a Michale Ludgate's "Support Live
>>> Music, Go Contra Dancing"...but I'm not sure that will work either.  I've
>>> seen "turn off the!"  A night of aerobics... and some other
>>> things, that's really what I'm looking for.  Trying to hold dances on
>>> campus
>>> is great, but you need to have a person or group on campus that will
>>> sponsor
>>> the dance etc, and that's almost  like starting a whole new dance series
>>> (dont' really have time or resources to do this), our dance is readily
>>> excessible to almost all the campuses that have dorms, most of the
>>> colleges
>>> are "comuter" colleges with day campuses and some of them (mostly in the
>>> city or what is considered the city) have campus housing.  All are on bus
>>> routes and our dance is in the heart of the "cool" section of town.  Most
>>> young adults know about our area and the shops restaurants and bars.
>>> So, as you see, it's not so much getting individuals to view contra
>>> dancing
>>> or host a dance but just to get the option out there, visible, so that
>>> some
>>> might try it and help spread the word.
>>> And then, I need an artist to create the poster.....
>>> Thanks again guys!
>>> Mary Collins
>>> QCCD
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