I recently danced with a neighbor who always had his hand perfectly on my
scapula.  It was like there was a magnet between his hand and my back, and
i loved it.  When I had a chance, between dances, I let him know how much I
appreciated it, and asked him what his trick is, hoping that I could
emulate it.  He had no idea, and suggested that maybe I'm just the right
height/size for dancing with him.

(though if anyone has tips for hand placement as a gent during a swing, I'm
all ears.)


On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Dale Wilson <dale.wil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> An interesting topic.
> We have women at both ends of the height spectrum.  I don't (as far as I
> know) have trouble with the short ones, but it took me a while to adapt to
> dancing with women who were considerably taller than I am.
> Finally I just asked some of them, "Where should I put my hand to support
> you best during a swing."
> The answers varied from one woman to another, and they might well vary
> based on my height, weight and style, but I will say that asking worked
> well.
> Dale
> On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 8:23 AM, George Mercer <geopmer...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > A number of years ago I danced a number of times with a woman who was
> much
> > shorter than me.  I am about 5'6" or so on a good day.  She was probably
> > 4'8" give or take an inch. When we'd go into a swing, as my arm went
> around
> > her to her back, she'd lock her left arm down so that I could hardly get
> my
> > right hand past her side.  At first I thought it was bad form on her
> part,
> > but let it be.  Then as I watched her dance with others, I realized that
> > when her co-swinger managed to get his arm around her to the "normal"
> place
> > it had the result of lifting her left side up to what appeared to me to
> be
> > a discomfort level.  The taller the man, the further her left side was
> > forced to go.  I had to learn a new approach to entering a swing, even to
> > lean toward bad form when the height of the other dancer led me to an
> > adjusted approach.  I'm not suggesting we should teach this, but thinking
> > about how your technique (good or bad) can cause another discomfort is
> > worth thinking about.  Over the year I've danced enough with men that
> I've
> > also experienced discomfort with this height differential.  Just thinking
> > out loud.  Thanks.
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