Dear Chris,
It is a tribute to this group that we want to try and do the right thing, and spending some time figuring this out certainly seems worth the effort.

Another perspective might also include the history of the number/ content of posts, not just the gaff that was committed recently. For me, posts that are overly long, or those that are particularly repetitive, can be a challenge. And those that are much like a "lecturing parent" can also cause some displeasure. After a while, I tend to tune these out, and any useful content gets lost as a result.

I guess that, much in the way that we would like our callers to "teach succinctly, clearly, and efficiently" when it comes to dances, I would appreciate posters to self-edit in the same ways. There are lots of ways that posters have done this successfully. I lost patience with Greg because he so often seemed to be lecturing the group, rather than treating us as peers, and often his posts were very repetitive. Because I lost patience, I had some "Greg fatigue", and gave up looking at his posts.

I believe another important issue to consider is that there was no real casting out; unless I am in error, I believe Greg chose to remove himself from the group. He could have chosen to stay, and to let the group know that he had learned something new and useful as a result of the controversy.

This really could be a teachable moment. Who does the teaching, and how it is done are now the focus, I believe. Your feelings are strong, so it is clear to me that we should have Greg back in the group. How that happens is the next challenge.


On Feb 24, 2014, at 2:29 PM, Chris Weiler (Home) wrote:


Do you really believe that is what is happening here? The man was chastised and offered a sincere apology. Do you really believe that his "crime" deserves the punishment of expulsion? Or is it a overblown response because he rubs people the wrong way sometimes?

Put yourself in his shoes. You misspeak while talking to your friends. The next thing you know, you're cast out of that social circle with no chance of redemption. Is that a fair response?

These are not rhetorical questions. I would really like to know what you think.


On 2/24/2014 11:10 AM, jean francis wrote:
”The ultimate result of shielding men from the results of folly is to fill the world with fools." Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)

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