Al Olson used the move in his dance “Leaving Home”. It was published in Give & 
Take by Larry Jennings in 2004. Larry spent a number of years putting this book 
together, so the dance was written well before this. I did not find the dance 
in Zesty Contras, Larry’s fist book, published in 1988; but this might mean 
that Larry did not have space to include it, rather than it had not been 
written yet.  If I were of a betting nature…..I would bet that the dance was 
from the 1980’s, maybe 1990’s. 

On Jan 16, 2017, at 5:20 PM, Tavi Merrill via Callers 
<> wrote:

> Dance genealogy question: The figure first appearing in "Dublin Bay" (aka 
> "We'll Wed and We'll Bed," its title in Playford) morphed in contra into a 
> modified "lines of four down the hall." 
> I know a version of it from Sue Rosen's dance "Handsome Young Maids," where 
> dancers facing down take four steps forwards, turn alone, and continue down 
> the hall with four backward steps, then repeat the figure to return up the 
> hall. 
> I'm curious how many other contras this figure, or a version of it, appears 
> in. Does anyone know of other dances? And any astute dance historians out 
> there know what the first contra to use this figure is?  
> Tavi
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