I recently asked the developer of Web Confidential what the status of the WC application being able to work with Camino. Included is the reply.
What is the status of WC & Camino.

As soon as Camino supports the doJavaScript AppleScript command,
I can make it work. Without it, it is impossible.

Not sure how many other Camino users also use WC. I've gotten use to using the clipboard to get the data into the fields. On occasion I use Safari for a Web site or two that don't always play well with Camino, and really like being able to click a button and have the data entered and even submitted.

Thanks to all the folks working hard on Camino.

I've searched bugzilla and did not find the info I thought I needed.

If there is a bug open please point me to it.

Using build Version 2005110708 (1.0b1)


Ed Goham
URLMP 3.4.5b1 :: WC 3.7.6 :: SharedMenus.component 2.2
:: Camino 2005110708 (1.0b1)
PB G4 :: 1.25GHz :: 1GB :: 80GB :: Mac OS X 10.4.3 (8F46)
iMac G4 (FP) :: 800MHz :: 768MB :: 60GB :: Mac OS X 10.4.3 (8F46)

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