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The page you mention works fine for me. You have to click the little squares
by the manufactureres to make a checkmark appear. With a few manufacturers
checkmarked I click select and printers appear. I am using Camino 2, beta 4
from this site: http://preview.caminobrowser.org/

Regards, Kees

on 02-10-09 06:27, Ed Badeaux at eddy...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Kurt, You have an interesting problem, but I don't have a clue as to how
> you could solve it.  Once upon a time I wrote the Camino forum with a
> problem of my own, one which I never got solved, but doing it seems to made
> me the recipient of problems people are having with Camino.  I really wish I
> could help, but so far I have found a way.  Best, Ed  eddy...@gmail.com
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Kurt Springs <ferret_b...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am having a problem.  There are certain sites I am having trouble
>> accessing from Camino.
>> As an example, on the macconnection.com web site, I tried to look at
>> printers.  I go to printers and click on laser printers only.  I go to a
>> drop down menu and click where it says more manufactures.  On this page I
>> check the printers I am interested in looking at and try to click select.
>>  Nothing happens.
>> The bar at the bottom says:
>>  javascript:_doPostBack('ctl00$Content$btnSelectBottom'") when I move the
>> arrow over the select button.
>> Here is the interesting part.  The same thing happens on almost all my
>> other browsers:  Safari, Firefox, Seamonkey, Flock, Shiira, and iCab.  It,
>> however, does not happen with Opera.  Also, it is just a problem on my
>> desktop.  Camino and the others work fine on my laptop.  I am wondering what
>> all the other browsers use in common that Opera doesn't and most
>> importantly, how to fix it.  I would rather not have to do a clean reinstall
>> of the system just to fix this problem.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Kurt D. Springs
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