On Thursday 09 October 2008 22:57:41 Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> > Side note: is there an Ocaml bytecode-compiler written in Ocaml
> > somewhere?
> I'm pretty sure the vast majority of the standard Ocaml bytecode
> compiler is written in Ocaml. The same is probably not true for
> the bytecode VM.

You mean the program that generates OCaml's bytecodes is written in OCaml. I 
assume Kuba meant that the program that executes OCaml's bytecodes is not 
written in OCaml.

I would love to see an interpreter of OCaml's bytecode that was itself written 
in OCaml. There are also some obvious derivative projects, like a JIT 
compilers written in MetaOCaml or written using LLVM (similar to Basile's 
ocamljit). Once LLVM did some optimizations, it could be interesting to 
compare the performance of native-code OCaml with LLVM JITted OCaml bytecode. 
Perhaps some things (like Int32/64) could be greatly improved in performance?

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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