On Friday 10 October 2008 04:30:53 Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> Jon Harrop wrote:
> > You mean the program that generates OCaml's bytecodes is
> > written in OCaml.
> Commonly known as a compiler.

One of the compilers, yes.

> > the program that executes OCaml's bytecodes
> Commonly known as a virtual machine.

No, I was referring specifically to the interpreter (byterun/interp.c) and not 
the run time. So not the whole VM. What is done with the rest of the VM is up 
in the air.

An interpreter of OCaml's bytecode written in OCaml or a JIT compiler written 
in MetaOCaml would just use their own run time. A JIT compiler using LLVM 
would probably interop with the existing run-time.

IIRC, there are differences between the native code and byte code run times 
but I do not recall the specifics. I don't know which would be easiest to 
target from a JIT compiler.

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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