On Wednesday 22 October 2008, you wrote:
> Thanks, I tried it and I love the simplicity vis-a-vis eclipse's
> baroqueness. But am I missing something?
> When I type in a line of caml followed by a CR the cursor lines up all
> the way to the left rather than indenting
> on the next line. Once I'm doing I can hit the indent button and all
> is well but I'm wondering if there is a way to
> get it to indent for me as I go along. (Otherwise the code looks funky
> as I write it.)

This is perhaps a bug in the code. I don't have time nor incentive
to fix the 1.2 code line, which uses Qt3 (and Qt3 portability classes in Qt4),
but it's there in the SVN repository and the world is free to send me patches

I am aware of most of these problems and my primary goal is to eliminate
silliness and follow the principle of least astonishment.

Cheers, Kuba

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