> >> What would make me switch: a way to highlight the error when compiling,
> >> highlighting the line, a stronger highlight for the character range
> >> reported by the compiler, taking in consideration the tab mode used
> >> (real tab, n spaces) to interpret the value returned by the compiler.
> >> the error message in an infobulle and a log area.
> >
> > That's actually nearly what Camelia has right now. Right now Camelia
> > insists on not dealing with tabs at all -- it converts them all to
> > spaces. This "feature" has to go obviously, and it's a few-liner to
> > convert between characters (which include tabs) and columns.
> What do you mean with this? Reason I ask is that in OcalIDE an option to
> save files with spaces only, was added because it allows one to
> simultaneously edit files in various editors, each with its own tab
> "length". If not, indenting is not maintained. I myself think that
> avoiding tabs altogether is a good solution.

This is likely to erupt into a flamewar ;) I will leave it to the user to 
choose. I have no preference personally, and this is a matter of taste
and people get religious about it: so no point arguing either way.

I will support space-only mode, mixed space-tab mode, and also different
indent styles between expressions/statements and within them. Basically
whatever emacs/vi does, I will do as well, leaving it to the user to choose.

Depending on time constraints, the full gamut of choices may be relegated
to 2.1, but I have it all on my mind.

Cheers, Kuba

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