On Wednesday 05 November 2008 15:44:24 Kuba Ober wrote:
> And neither QPainterPath nor QPicture are really hierarchical. About the
> only way to think of a hierarchy for Qt's drawing system is at the level of
> QPainter, which provides save() / restore() functionality for its state.
> All of this structure is implemented by the QPainter(), so as soon as a
> QPainter() paints on a QPaintDevice(), what little hierarchy was there is
> irretrieveably lost.

There shouldn't even be any state.

> So Qt would benefit from having real, hierarchical display lists, which
> could then be expanded to include 3D functionality. Trolls may well be 
> working on this (I hope they do!), but it's no small feat to have it done
> in a way which "just works" like most of Qt does.

That is exactly what WPF already provides. Trolltech told me they were working 
on it when I was evaluating buying the commercial Qt. That was at least 5 
years ago. I doubt Qt will live long enough to ever see it implemented.

> Qt is not bug free, and a colleague of mine is hard at work bugging the
> trolls with a new (mostly event-related) bug every week (not kidding you).
> But he really runs into some corner/less-than-well-documented cases due to
> what he's trying to do. Yet that's still way better than dealing with a
> toolkit that's fairly new (MPC) or something that gives you 10% of the
> functionality you need.

What is MPC?

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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