Excerpts from Alain Frisch's message of Tue Jan 05 14:00:36 +0100 2010:
> On 05/01/2010 11:44, Nicolas Pouillard wrote:
> > Reusing the work done in the Yi [1][2] editor for the Haskell syntax should
> > be pretty straightforward. Very long and painful however due to the 
> > complexity
> > of the grammar of a real language.
> >
> > [1]: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Yi
> > [2]: http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~bernardy/FunctionalIncrementalParsing.pdf
> Thanks for the links. The paper is a very interesting reading indeed. 
> Its main focus is on incrementality (not reparsing the whole buffer at 
> every keystroke). I'm not so sure how important it is in the context of 
> the current discussion though: I guess that with an efficient parsing 
> technology and modern computers, parsing even a big buffer at every 
> keystroke should be fast enough. Trivial optimizations like storing the 
> internal state of the parser at some point could also be used if needed.

Hum I doubt, or maybe you are prepared to accept more penalty than I do
(I consider Emacs to be noticeably slower than Vim on keystrokes, but
please don't feed the troll).

> I'm more concerned about the error recovery aspect; the paper suggests 
> the use of annotated error recovery rules, but writing them for a 
> grammar like OCaml's does not seem an easy task at all.

Indeed this is really a manual process but incrementally adding the rules
seemed to work. Actually this is a really visual process.

Nicolas Pouillard

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