
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of September 04 to
11, 2018.

Table of Contents

callipyge 0.2 and eqaf 0.1
Be Sport is hiring (engineers, interns)
Sedlex moved to ocaml-community
An implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework
Release of Bindlib 5.0
Ocaml Github Pull Requests


callipyge 0.2 and eqaf 0.1


Calascibetta Romain announced

  I'm happy to announce the second release of [callipyge] which is an
  implementation of `curve25519' in OCaml and [eqaf] which is an
  implementation of the equal function on `string' in a linear time -
  specially to avoid timing attacks.

  [digestif] will be updated with `eqaf' too.

  The goal of `callipyge' is to have a good implementation of
  `curve25519' but it should be replaced by a C stub extracted from the
  [HACL Star project] (like what Firefox does).  So, currently, we
  provide this implementation which is 3 times slower than the
  [reference implementation].

  Then, it's a good project to introduce `eqaf' which provides only one
  function `equal : string -> string -> bool' (a binding to the
  [OpenBSD's implementation]) and ensure to execute this function on
  linear time and avoid timing attacks. So we did some benchmarks and
  compare them with the current implementation of `String.equal' from
  the standard library of OCaml. Then, we get expected results: in any
  situation `eqaf' took the same time to compare two `string' which is
  not the case with `String.equal'.

  So, happy hacking!

[callipyge] https://github.com/oklm-wsh/Callipyge.git

[eqaf] https://github.com/dinosaure/eqaf.git

[digestif] https://github.com/mirage/digestif.git

[HACL Star project] https://github.com/project-everest/hacl-star

[reference implementation] https://github.com/agl/curve25519-donna

[OpenBSD's implementation]

He later added

  And if you are interesting by `eqaf' and how we can check if the
  function has linear time, you should look [the first issue of
  `eqaf']. You can find a good explanation about expected results of
  benchmarks on `eqaf'.


[the first issue of `eqaf'] https://github.com/dinosaure/eqaf/issues/1

Be Sport is hiring (engineers, interns)


Vincent Balat announced

  Be Sport is looking for talented developers enjoying functional
  programming and teamwork. All profiles are welcome.

  They will work either on data importation/analysis or on the
  implementation of our mobile and Web apps. All the code is written in

  Send me a message for more information!


Sedlex moved to ocaml-community


Perry E. Metzger announced

  For those of you who use sedlex, it has moved to [a new repository on

  This was done with a github transfer, so existing issues against the
  repository got moved as well, and existing users should be redirected
  properly. That said, I've done a pull request to fix the opam packages
  and hopefully it will be merged soon.

[a new repository on ocaml-community.]

gasche asked and Gabriel Radanne replied

        How does the regexp compilation engine compares to what is
        done in [Re]? Would it be possible to build a lexer
        generator on top of an independent regexp library like
        [Tyre] or [ppx_regexp]? (cc @Drup)

  That is a very good question, I have some plans in mind, but they
  require quite a bit of work. Basically, the current situation is the

   Library         Syntax     Composition  Refill  Unicode  Automaton           
   ocamlex         Custom     No¹          Yes     No       DFA, codegen to C   
   sedlex          PPX        No¹          Yes     Yes      DFA, codegen to 
OCaml    Limited   
   Re/Tyre         OCaml      Yes          No      No³      Online 
determinization²  Extended⁴ 
   ppx_regex/tyre  PPX+OCaml  Yes          No      No       Online 
determinization²  Extended⁴ 

  ¹: Some built-in mechanism for locally defining regex exists, but no
  true composition.
  ²: There are some things to determinize offline, but they need
  ³: [https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-re/pull/48]
  ⁴: Within regularity. Lacks full blown complementation. See also [this

  My plans would not be to try to improve sedlex, but rather to push
  `re' (and the related libraries) to the point where it's universally
  better. Ppx_regexp/tyre provides a convenient "ocamlex" like syntax
  while preserving composition. The first step would be a refill
  mechanism, and support for UTF (for which @nojb made a prototype that
  would need revival).

  Performances are a tricky question. Ocamllex is clearly faster, since
  it generates a C-based DFA. I expect sedlex to be faster than re in
  small examples, but it would need evaluation. Online determinization
  is very desirable in many contexts.

  wrt. Unicode libraries: At least for sedlex, it was designed so that
  bunzli's libraries can be used before giving the stream to
  sedlex. Either to re-encode, or to normalize. I think that's a decen
  way of doing things.

[Re] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-re

[Tyre] https://github.com/Drup/tyre

[ppx_regexp] https://github.com/paurkedal/ppx_regexp

[this paper]

james woodyatt then said

  First off, I'm pleased to see sedlex getting some love finally. Very
  grateful to the community for that.

  I would like to add here that my forthcoming _Orsetto_ project
  includes another [alternative] to _sedlex_ that might be worth noting,
  although it [has] [issues] and it remains in the "unstable" branch
  while I'm slowly working on it in my copious spare time.

  I would describe it here as follows:

   Library      Syntax  Composition  Unicode  Automaton  Regexs 
   Orsetto.UCS  OCaml   Yes          Yes      Lazy DFA   Basic¹ 

  ¹: A subset of UTS #18, RL1 (no loose matching, word or line
  boundaries, etc.)

  Also, I'm not sure what "refill" means here, so I didn't characterize





An implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework


Etienne Millon announced

  I am announcing the first release of [noise], an implementation of the
  [Noise Protocol Framework].

  It contains building blocks to implement a secure protocol with
  confidentiality and authentication on top of modern cryptographic
  primitives. This protocol framework is used by [WhatsApp],
  [WireGuard], and [Lightning].

  This is still a very early version:
  • it contains some custom implementations of cryptographic primitives
  • the interface is unstable
  • most applications need a higher level protocol like [NoiseSocket],
    which is comparable to TLS

  Next on my roadmap is implementing a WireGuard client and server that
  can be used in [Mirage].

  If you are interested in implementing a protocol that uses Noise,
  please get in touch!


[noise] https://github.com/emillon/ocaml-noise

[Noise Protocol Framework] https://noiseprotocol.org/


[WireGuard] https://www.wireguard.com/


[NoiseSocket] https://noisesocket.org/

[Mirage] https://mirage.io/

Release of Bindlib 5.0

  Archive: [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/release-of-bindlib-5-0/2541/1]

Rodolphe Lepigre announced

  I am pleased to announce the release of Bindlib 5.0.1, which is a
  library for handling structures with bound (and free) variables
  (typical applications include the development of languages and proof
  systems). It has already been available on Opam for several weeks, and
  the source code of the latest version can be found in the [development

  This new version provides a simpler, more concise interface. It is
  extensively documented, and includes a small tutorial. An
  [introductory paper] has also been recently presented at the LFMTP
  2018 workshop.

  Bindlib has already been used in fairly big projects (from the most
  recent): [Lambdapi], [PML₂], [SubML], [PML], and many other smaller

  The implementation is very efficient (in terms of substitution), and
  it handles renaming to avoid capture.

  Feel free to give feedback!


[development repository] https://github.com/rlepigre/ocaml-bindlib

[introductory paper]

[Lambdapi] https://github.com/rlepigre/lambdapi

[PML₂] https://github.com/rlepigre/pml

[SubML] https://rlepigre.github.io/subml/

[PML] https://lama.univ-savoie.fr/tracpml

Ocaml Github Pull Requests

Gabriel Scherer and the editor compiled this list

  Here is a sneak peek at some potential future features of the Ocaml
  compiler, discussed by their implementers in these Github Pull

  • [Stop supporting obsolete platforms]
  • [{WIP} Deprecated optional arguments]


[Stop supporting obsolete platforms]

[{WIP} Deprecated optional arguments]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe
  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] mailto:alan.schm...@polytechnique.org

[the archive] http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/

[RSS feed of the archives] http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss

[online] http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/

[Alan Schmitt] http://alan.petitepomme.net/

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