
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of November 20 to 27,

Table of Contents

Published a post about what we are doing and going to do about BuckleScript 
Ocamlformat and the ocaml.org coding guidelines
Release of OCaml-R
Resources for Advanced Module Usage
Digestif 0.7.1
Xavier Leroy (and others) - On Computer Science
md2mld 0.3.0
Wanted: new maintainer for cppo
Build-/Installation-Tools - not enogh of them?
Ocaml Github Pull Requests
Other OCaml News

Published a post about what we are doing and going to do about BuckleScript 


Hongbo Zhang announced

  In case you are interested, here is the link:

Ocamlformat and the ocaml.org coding guidelines


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  I just wanted to draw the community's attention to [ocamlformat#501],
  which gathers together many of the coding guidelines for OCaml, with
  the goal of ensuring that ocamlformat can automate the formatting

  As noted on the issue, the current coding guidelines are designed for
  humans, but we are increasingly getting tools such as ocamlformat and
  ocp-indent which mechanise the process.  This is a good chance to get
  involved at this point in ocamlformat's development with this,
  especially if you have a large codebase which could benefit from
  standardised formatting in the near future.  Please weigh in at
  [ocamlformat#501], especially with pointers to counterexamples to your
  own codebases if applicable.

[ocamlformat#501] https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat/issues/501

Release of OCaml-R


Philippe Veber announced

    I'd like to announce a preview release of ocaml-r, a library that
  can be used to interact with the R language interpreter and write
  clean wrappers to R functions and packages. This library was
  developped a long time ago by Maxence Guesdon and Guillaume Yziquel,
  and I've maintained it since then for my own needs. The library is
  available on opam, under version 0.1.1, and on github [0].

    The goal of this release is to see if other people could find it
  useful, in which case I can spend a little more time writing
  documentation on how to use it, and help write more wrappers. Please
  get in touch via the issue tracker if interested.


  [0] [https://github.com/pveber/ocaml-r]

Resources for Advanced Module Usage


robkuz asked

  does anybody have links/tutorials etc. for usage of modules?  I have
  read the lightweight higher kinded types paper and I am searching for
  other resources in that direction.

kantian replied

  You can have a look on the paper [ML module mania] which present a
  type safe, separetly compiled and extensible interpreter for the Lua
  language. In the same spirit, you have the work of Oleg Kiselyov on
  [tagless-final embedded DSL]. Or from the same author than the paper
  on ligthweight higher-kinded types, you have their proposal for
  [modular implicit] which go further.

  About the last paper, imagine that you want to write a function `show'
  that works on mutliple data types but not uniformly. In a lot of
  languages, this is done with dynamic dispatching. Since OCaml doesn't
  have runtime type representation, we have to rely on something which
  is closed to a static dispatching, and we can do this with
  *first-class* modules.

  │ module type Showable = sig
  │   type t
  │   val show : t -> string
  │ end
  │ let show (type a) (module M : Showable with type t = a) x = M.show x

  Now you can define a module for each type that you want to convert to
  a `string`, and you have to *explicitly* pass it to your fonction

  │ module Int_show = struct
  │   type t = int
  │   let show = string_of_int
  │ end
  │ module Float_show = struct
  │   type t = float
  │   let show = string_of_float
  │ end
  │ # show (module Int_show) 3;;
  │ - : string = "3"
  │ # show (module Float_show) 3.4;;
  │ - : string = "3.4"

  The idea behind modular implicit is that in this situation, the module
  to use to show your value is *automatically infered* by the compiler
  in such a way that you don't have to *explicitly* pass it to your
  function. This will be very useful, especially when the module in
  question is the result of a functor application. Indeed, imagine that
  you know how to show values of two types `a' and `b', then you know
  how to show a pair of type `a * b'. To encode this you have to write a

  │ module Pair_show (A : Showable) (B : Showable):
  │ Showable with type t = A.t * B.t = struct
  │   type t = A.t * B.t
  │   let show (x,y) = Printf.sprintf "(%s, %s)" (A.show x) (B.show y)
  │ end
  │ # show (module Pair_show (Int_show) (Float_show)) (1, 2.5);;
  │ - : string = "(1, 2.5)"

[ML module mania]

[tagless-final embedded DSL]

[modular implicit]

Michael Thomas asked and Daniel Bünzli replied

  > This looks really interesting - do you know if the complete source
    code is available anywhere?

  It's [here].

[here] https://github.com/lindig/lua-ml

Ivan Gotovchits also replied

  The [Modules][1] section is a prerequisite must read. All advance
  papers more or less are based on these papers. The [F-ing modules][2]
  paper is a very interesting read, albeit being a little bit
  fictional. I also found [this thesis][3] to be an interesting
  compilation, although it is focusing more on SML.

  [1]: [https://ocaml.org/docs/papers.html#Modules]
  [2]: [https://people.mpi-sws.org/~rossberg/f-ing/f-ing-jfp.pdf]
  [3]: [https://people.mpi-sws.org/~dreyer/thesis/old/thesis050405.pdf]

Digestif 0.7.1

  Archive: [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-digestif-0-7-1/2941/1]

Charles Edouard Lecat announced

  I’m happy to announce a new release of [digestif 0.7.1], available for
  installation via OPAM.

  Digestif is a library which contains some hashes function like:
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA224
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512
  • RIPEMD160

  And the recently added

  Particularities of digestif:

  Linking trick: This project provides 2 implementations of the hash
  algorithms: one written in C (digestif.c) and the other in OCaml
  (digestif.ocaml), each one fulfilling the same interface. In order to
  choose your implementation, you can simply use the linking trick, by
  selecting at link time the implementation you wish to use. The C
  implementation will provide a smaller execution time, while the OCaml
  one will bring more portability to your project (ex: to JavaScript
  with js_of_ocaml).

  Constant time: Some applications require that secret values are
  compared in constant time. This Functions like String.equal do not
  have this property, so we provide a small package — eqaf — providing a
  constant-time equal function. Digestif uses it to check equality of
  hashes — it also exposes unsafe_compare if you don’t care about timing
  attacks in your application.

  Run-time lock: When calling C code from the OCaml environment, the
  garbage collector states needs to be saved as C code may need
  allocated values, which the GC could move or change. This is why we
  implemented the hash algorithms with bigarrays, which are contained in
  a specific area of the GC, and never will be moved. This way, we were
  able to remove the run-time lock when calling the others C functions,
  improving the speed of the computations. A behavior even more useful
  as the GC is global in a multi-threaded environment, locking it pauses
  every threads: With digestif you can compute the hash in parallel of
  others operations without affecting your performances.

[digestif 0.7.1] https://github.com/mirage/digestif/releases/tag/v0.7.1

Xavier Leroy (and others) - On Computer Science


Jp R announced

  For those of you who understand French, I invite you to follow a serie
  of courses on computer science at the College de France.

  Xavier Leroy a mis son beau costume, sa chemise blanche et sa cravate
  pour nous parler des sciences du logiciel.

  A must see!


md2mld 0.3.0

  Archive: [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-md2mld-0-3-0/2948/1]

Marcello Seri announced

  I am happy to announce the first release of [md2mld], available now
  from OPAM.

  `md2mld' converts a Markdown-format file into the `mld' format used by
  [odoc] to render HTML documentation or OCaml libraries. You can use
  this script to automatically embed a `README.md' file into API
  documentation for an OCaml library.

  I made it because multiple repositories have their most interesting
  short examples in their README, and I wanted an easy way to integrate
  them in the generated documentation without duplicating too much the

  You can see an example of use in the documentation of [the tool
  itself] and in the new documentation of [ocaml-rpc].

[md2mld] https://github.com/mseri/md2mld

[odoc] https://github.com/ocaml/odoc

[the tool itself] https://github.com/mseri/md2mld

[ocaml-rpc] http://mirage.github.io/ocaml-rpc/rpclib/rpc/index.html

Wanted: new maintainer for cppo


Martin Jambon announced

  [Cppo] is a C-style preprocessor for OCaml. I started the project in
  2009, when I was working on yojson and didn't want to be tied to
  camlp4 for simple things like `#include' and conditional
  compilation. Since then, other projects have used it, typically as a
  last resort to manage version incompatibilities. Today, 57 packages in
  opam depend directly on cppo.

  The project was recently handed off to [ocaml-community] in an effort
  to benefit from a wider community. I no longer wish to be in charge of
  supervising the project because it's too much for me, when combined
  with other projects. Ideally, we're looking for a person maintaining
  cppo with the support of their employer. The project is very
  stable. There are no new features in sight and very few bug
  reports. Maintenance would consist in roughly one day a month,
  generally spent answering incoming questions and working with users to
  solve their problems or review patches.

  Let us know if you're interested!

[Cppo] https://github.com/ocaml-community/cppo

[ocaml-community] https://github.com/ocaml-community/meta

Build-/Installation-Tools - not enogh of them?


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  Julia Lawall said:
        Personally, I was in the end forced to install opam.  But
        I don't want to force my users to install it (to figure
        out how to get it to work, I had to contact a member of
        Gallium - and my users don't have that opportunity).  I
        would prefer that they can just use the ocaml that comes
        with their system package manager.

        Since opam is the recommended method of installation,
        couldn't there at least be provided understandable
        instructions?  That really seems like a tougher time than
        what is necessary.

  Dear Julia, dear all,

  Thanks for the helpful reminder that the opam and ocaml documentation
  needs a refresh.  We’ve just gone through a fairly major release cycle
  with opam2 and dune1, and it’s to be expected that there are some

  To clear up one misconception on this thread — opam is *not* the only
  recommended mechanism to get the OCaml compiler.  We go to some
  trouble to ensure that OCaml is packaged up natively on the OS package
  managers where possible, and there is a list on the ocaml.org
  installation page with popular distributions.

  The problems begin when the user needs a particular version of OCaml,
  which is a common requirement for teaching.  The system package
  managers typically lag in their versions (again, listed on the
  ocaml.org installation page).  At this point, opam is indeed the
  simplest tool to bootstrap the precise version of the compiler and
  packages that you require, but at the expense of requiring an
  OCaml-specific tool.

  Now, I recognise the need for improving the installation instructions,
  and particularly so with step-by-step guides to getting things
  installed.  However, I would implore those with complaints to register
  the inaccuracies on the opam issue tracker [1], so that we can at
  least learn about them and fix them just as we do with any software

  [1] [https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues]

  It’s particularly frustrating to see these threads erupt with pent up
  (and valid) annoyances from users that we could have addressed if
  someone had reported it. Even better, please do send in PRs with some
  suggested text for the website, and take some load off our overworked
  maintainers :-)

  For whoever said that my Ubuntu opam2 PPA is hard to Google, the
  process of creating it was roughly:

  • spend a few hours fighting with the Debian packaging scripts
  • get x86_64/i386/arm32/arm64/ppc64le all working in Launchpad
  • post on
    [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/opam-2-0-experimental-ppas/2446] to get
    no feedback whatsoever
  • eventually just push it live after one user gets back with feedback
  • wait for complaints to show up that its hard to find

  Without feedback, it’s very difficult to know what to prioritise, and
  Ubuntu is just one of many, many Linux distributions that we have to
  worry about.

  Japp Boender also wrote:
        I'd like to chime in here - as the person responsible for
        doing most of the OCaml packaging for pkgsrc, I've noticed
        that I can hardly ever just update a package to a new
        version anymore - I'll generally also need to update the
        infrastructure as some sort of new build tool will have
        become involved, with all its attendant quirks, or someone
        will have decided to change the name of packages, or some
        other change will have occurred. Things seem to be in a
        constant state of flux, and thus packaging becomes quite

  This is indeed the result of progress on the tooling side.  There’s
  been a lot of work in the last few years on deprecating older tools
  (camlp4, ocamlbuild) and moving towards modern alternatives such as
  dune for build and opam2 for publishing.

  Things are settling down now: dune is emerging as a well-maintained
  and portable alternative to the myriad of build systems that have been
  proposed in the past.  The bootstrapping problems you mention should
  also have become a *lot* easier with opam2, since the solver is linked
  into the binary and no external aspcud is needed.  If you do still run
  into any problems with fakeroots and such, please report them on the
  dune or opam issue tracker and we’ll take a look.

  Behind the scenes, there are other benefits from a consistent build
  system: cross compilation and Windows support are greatly improved

  Malcolm Matalka also wrote:
        Is there a reasonable workflow for how to turn opam
        packages into packages for existing OS's though?
        Currently it does seem like users need to know about Ocaml
        to use things written in Ocaml, if only because most of
        the focus has been on opam.  Other OSs tend to have old

  Our goal (with my dune and opam developer hat on) is to provide
  sufficient metadata within a dune description of a project to
  automatically generate opam *and* upstreamable OS packages (from
  templates).  This will look something like “dune @package” and really
  reduce the burden on developers and OS maintainers.  I’d like, for
  example, the native OpenBSD packages to be able to be replaced by a
  mechanically generated version.

  See this issue for more: [https://github.com/ocaml/dune/issues/1498]

  Julia Lawall also wrote:
        The question is what to do after installing opam.  Even if
        there is nothing to do after installing opam, it would be
        helpful to say that.  If there is something to do after
        installing opam to get the ocaml compiler for example, as
        opposed to just the runtime system, it would be helpful to
        say that too.  The documentation should be designed from
        the point of view of the person who has never used ocaml
        or opam, never wants to use them again, and has no contact
        with the ocaml community. Otherwise, people who want to
        try some ocaml software, but are not actually forced to
        use it, will just give up.

  I completely agree with this sentiment.  I’m personally motivated to
  make sure ocaml/opam meet these standards, as we are moving to
  teaching using OCaml in the Cambridge University Computer Lab from
  next year, so I’ll definitely be proposing some changes myself :-)

  I’d love to hear from other teachers about the sort of environments
  you have to work in — we’ve been considering shifting to a combination
  of browser-based IDEs (for homogeneity across student laptops) and
  other systems.

  Finally, this thread might seem like it is full of complaints, but the
  tooling is steadily improving and leaving behind silent and satisfied
  users.  Dune in particular has made as big a difference to our
  community as opam did when it was first released five years ago.  At
  ICFP this year, the OCaml Workshop was full of industrial users who
  were thankful for Dune improving their day-to-day development, as well
  as the ecosystem of new tools such as ocamlformat, merlin, odoc and so
  on, and the Coq project is moving to adopt it now as well!  I’m not
  suggesting we rest on our laurels, but as the year end holiday
  approaches, I would be delighted if users to email their favourite
  tool developer a note of encouragement to continue to work on it.  And
  then file an issue to get the docs fixed :-)

Ocaml Github Pull Requests

Gabriel Scherer and the editor compiled this list

  Here is a sneak peek at some potential future features of the Ocaml
  compiler, discussed by their implementers in these Github Pull

  • [Typed PPX]

[Typed PPX] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/2161

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml Planet].

  • [Senior Haskell / Full Stack Developer at PRODA Ltd (Full-time)]
  • [Safely typing algebraic effects]
  • [Front End Developer (ReactJS & Purescript)]
  • [An Introduction to Tezos RPCs: Signing Operations]

[OCaml Planet] http://ocaml.org/community/planet/

[Senior Haskell / Full Stack Developer at PRODA Ltd (Full-time)]

[Safely typing algebraic effects]

[Front End Developer (ReactJS & Purescript)]

[An Introduction to Tezos RPCs: Signing Operations]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] mailto:alan.schm...@polytechnique.org

[the archive] http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/

[RSS feed of the archives] http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss

[online] http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/

[Alan Schmitt] http://alan.petitepomme.net/

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