
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of November 13 to 20,

Table of Contents

New release of Menhir (20181113)
Modern Standard Library Documentation
2-year Postdoc Position on Frama-C/E-ACSL
Opam-ci: new distributions available
A WebAssembly backend for OCaml
Orsetto: structured data interchange languages (preview)
Mirage 3.3.0 released
Experimenting with a new opam repository release strategy for large libraries
Other OCaml News

New release of Menhir (20181113)


François Pottier announced

  I would like to announce a new release of Menhir, 20181113. It is
  available via opam (opam update && opam install menhir).


  The main change is an experimental **new syntax** for rules. The new
  syntax is slightly more pleasant and powerful than the old syntax. The
  old syntax remains available; the user chooses between the two
  syntaxes on a per-rule basis.

  This blog post presents a couple demos that use the new syntax:


  For expert users, I have also written a brief a summary of the
  differences between the old and new syntaxes:


Modern Standard Library Documentation


seadynamic8 announced

  I'm new to learning OCaml and also new to this forum.

  I am really enjoying learning OCaml, but there's a lot of quirks and
  weird things since I feel like a lot of things are in transition right
  now, but one thing that really bugged me was how outdated the docs on
  the standard library looked.

  So I decided to re-theme it.  Here's my interpretation of it, based on
  Elixir docs: [https://www.streamingspring.com/ocaml/docs/]

  It has a sidebar to quickly navigate between modules and functions.
  Also has a search bar.

  Its a little heavy right now since all the docs are basically
  downloaded to front-end, but it works for now.  In the future, I may
  change it to be served from the server-side.

  How it works right now is this:
  • I use `lambdasoup' to parse the original standard library
  • I use `atd-gen' to convert it into json
  • I use `bs-json' to read it back in on the front-end. (with a hack
    for compatibility)
  • I then use `bucklescript-tea' to display it.

  I feel that I could rearrange the content better, but I'm still a bit
  confused on certain things and I'm still a bit confused on Functors
  and more advanced concepts.  I'll get to that a little later.

  I think that the content itself could be improved, but as I'm a
  beginner, not really going to be working on that for now.

  Anyways, I hope it helps some people.

2-year Postdoc Position on Frama-C/E-ACSL


Julien Signoles announced

  The Software Reliability and Security Lab at CEA LIST (Paris Saclay,
  France) is hiring a 2-year postdoctoral researcher to improve the
  Frama-C runtime verification plug-in E-ACSL.

  Frama-C is an opensource framework providing several analyzers for C
  code.  The analyzed programs can be annotated by formal specifications
  written in the ACSL specification language. E-ACSL is one of the
  existing Frama-C analyzers. It converts ACSL annotations into C code
  in order to verify their validity at runtime, when the program is
  being executed.

  The goal of this postdoctoral position is twofolds: on the one hand,
  the postdoctoral researcher shall propose new compilation schemes to
  support additional ACSL constructs; on the other hand (s)he shall
  adapt existing compilation techniques or define new ones in order to
  optimize the generated code for reducing the time overhead and the
  memory footprint of the generated program. The work will be guided by
  and evaluated on case studies providing by a few of our academic and
  industrial partners.

  Knowledge in at least one of the following fields is required:
  • OCaml programming (at least, functional programming)
  • C programming
  • runtime verification
  • compilation
  • static analysis
  • semantics of programming languages
  • formal specification

  A full description of the position is available online:


  Feel free to contact me for additional details, Julien Signoles

Opam-ci: new distributions available


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  I've pushed a update to the Dockerfile generation on the [ocaml/opam2]
  Docker Hub images to account for newer distributions that have been
  released. We now build:

  • `fedora-29' (alias `fedora')
  • `alpine-3.8' (alias `alpine')
  • `opensuse-15.0' (alias `opensuse')
  • `ubuntu-18.10' (alias `ubuntu')

  We now also publish the development version of the compiler to make
  for easier testing of trunk, via the `4.08' tag.

  The full list can be found on the [containers infrastructure wiki]
  along with general instructions on how to use the Docker images.

  The source code that generates these images is in [ocaml-dockerfile]
  for the library, [obi] for the binaries.  If you are interested in
  adding a new Linux distribution, take a look at [Dockerfile_distro]
  module for how to get started.

[ocaml/opam2] https://hub.docker.com/r/ocaml/opam2

[containers infrastructure wiki]

[ocaml-dockerfile] https://github.com/avsm/ocaml-dockerfile

[obi] https://github.com/ocaml/obi


A WebAssembly backend for OCaml


Sander announced

  An article on the WebAssembly backend work done so far and what lies


Orsetto: structured data interchange languages (preview)


james woodyatt announced

  I'm nearing completion of the _~preview.1_ release to OPAM of
  [_Orsetto_], my toolkit for structured data interchange. Here's a
  brief summary of things left to do before I can commit to
  collaborating with the community and to engaging with feedback.

  • Build pipeline for continuous integration on Bitbucket.Org.
  • Generate documentation with *odoc* using the *Conjury* build system.
  • Consolidate *Cf_seq* as extension of the *Stdlib.Seq* module.
  • Minor last-minute improvements (e.g. leap second database, et
  • Removal of some experimental modules (e.g. *Cf_dyn* and *Cf_psys*).

  Not sure when I'll have done this, but I'm hoping by the end of the
  month. I'm writing this now because I feel like I've gotten to the
  point where there isn't any major new logic that needs to be done
  before an initial preview can be posted. Anybody interested in my work
  who wants to comment before I post a preview to OPAM is invited to
  check out the sources at Bitbucket (linked above) and file issues.

  p.s. I would have just added this as an update to the previous topic I
  filed about it, but _Discourse_ is now refusing to let me reply more
  than three times to myself.

[_Orsetto_] https://bitbucket.org/jhw/orsetto/

Mirage 3.3.0 released

  Archive: [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/mirage-3-3-0-released/2911/1]

Hannes Mehnert announced

  It is my pleasure to announce [MirageOS 3.3.0], which was just merged
  into opam-repository! MirageOS 3.3.0 contains some breaking changes,
  see below for details.

  What is MirageOS?
  MirageOS is a library operating system that constructs unikernels for
  secure, high-performance network applications across a variety of
  cloud computing and mobile platforms. Code can be developed on a
  traditional OS such as Linux or MacOS X, and then compiled into a
  fully-standalone, specialised unikernel that runs under the Xen or KVM
  hypervisors as well as lightweight hypervisors like FreeBSD's BHyve,
  OpenBSD's VMM. Xen and KVM power many public clouds; MirageOS
  unikernels are currently running on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud and
  Google Compute Engine, and maybe others!

  New target: (via solo5) Genode:
  "Genode is a free and open-source operating system framework
  consisting of a microkernel abstraction layer and a collection of
  userspace components. The framework is notable as one of the few
  open-source operating systems not derived from a proprietary OS, such
  as Unix. The characteristic design philosophy is that a small trusted
  computing base is of primary concern in a security oriented OS." (from
  wikipedia, more at [https://genode.org/] #942, by @ehmry)

  User-visible changes
  • use mirage-bootvar-unix instead of OS.Env.argv (deprecated since
    mirage-{xen,unix,os-shim}.3.1.0, mirage-solo5.0.5.0) on unix (#931,
    by @hannesm)

    WARNING: this leads to a different semantics for argument passing on
    Unix: all arguments are concatenated (using a whitespace " " as
    separator), and split on the whitespace character again (by
    parse-argv). This is coherent with all other backends, but the
    whitespace in "–hello=foo bar" needs to be escaped now.

  • mirage now generates upper bounds for hard-coded packages that are
    used in generated code. When we now break the API, unikernels which
    are configured with an earlier version won't accept the new release
    of the dependency. This means API breakage is much smoother for us,
    apart from that we now track version numbers in the mirage
    utility. The following rules were applied for upper bounds:
    • if version < 1.0.0 then ~min:"a.b.c" ~max:"a.(b+1).0"
    • if version > 1.0.0 then ~min:"a.b.c" ~max:"(a+1).0.0"
    • exceptions: tcpip (~min:"3.5.0" ~max:"3.6.0"),
      mirage-block-ramdisk (unconstrained)

    WARNING: Please be careful when release any of the referenced
    libraries by taking care of appropriate version numbering. (initial
    version in #855 by @avsm, final #946 by @hannesm) See below for a
    full list of current constraints.

  • since functoria.2.2.2, the "package" function (used in unikernel
    configuration) is extended with the labeled argument ~pin that
    receives a string
    (e.g. ~pin:"git+[https://github.com/mirage-random/mirage-random.git]";),
    and is embedded into the generated opam file as [pin-depends]

  • mirage-random-stdlib is now used for default_random instead of
    mirage-random (which since 1.2.0 no longer bundles the stdlib Random
    module). mirage-random-stdlib is not cryptographically secure, but
    "a lagged-Fibonacci F(55, 24, +) with a modified addition function
    to enhance the mixing of bits.", which is now seeded using
    mirage-entropy. If you configure your unikernel with "mirage
    configure –prng fortuna" (since mirage 3.0.0), a cryptographically
    secure PRNG will be used (

  • mirage now revived its command-line "–no-depext", which removes the
    call to "opam depext" in the depend and depends target of the
    generated Makefile (#948, by @hannesm)

  • make depend no longer uses opam pin for opam install –deps-only
    (#948, by @hannesm)

  • remove unused io_page configuration (initial discussion in #855,
    #940, by @hannesm)

  • charrua-client requires a Mirage_random interface since 0.11.0
    (#938, by @hannesm)

  • split implementations into separate modules (#933, by @emillon)

  • improved opam2 support (declare ocaml as dependency #926)

  • switch build system to dune (#927, by @emillon)

  • block device writes has been fixed in mirage-solo5.0.5.0 (see

  The following package versions are constrained (generated by "git grep
  package\ " in the mirage repository):
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package ~build:true ~min:"4.04.2" "ocaml";
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package "lwt";
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package ~min ~max "mirage-types-lwt";
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package ~min ~max "mirage-types";
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package ~min ~max "mirage-runtime" ;
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package ~build:true "ocamlfind" ;
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package ~build:true "ocamlbuild" ;
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package ~min:"3.1.0" ~max:"3.2.0" "mirage-unix"
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package ~min:"3.1.0" ~max:"3.2.0" "mirage-xen"
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package ~min:"0.4.0" ~max:"0.5.0" ~ocamlfind:[]
  │ "solo5-bindings-*"
  │ lib/mirage.ml:          package ~min:"0.5.0" ~max:"0.6.0" "mirage-solo5"
  │ lib/mirage_impl_argv.ml:      Key.pure [ package ~min:"0.1.0"
  │ ~max:"0.2.0" "mirage-bootvar-unix" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_argv.ml:      Key.pure [ package ~min:"0.4.0"
  │ ~max:"0.5.0" "mirage-bootvar-xen" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_arpv4.ml:    Key.pure [ package ~min:"3.5.0"
  │ ~max:"3.6.0" ~sublibs:["arpv4"] "tcpip" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_arpv4.ml:    Key.pure [ package ~min:"0.2.0"
  │ ~max:"0.3.0" ~sublibs:["mirage"] "arp" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_block.ml:  [ package ~min:"1.5.0" ~max:"2.0.0"
  │ ~sublibs:["front"] "mirage-block-xen" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_block.ml:        [ package ~min:"0.4.0" ~max:"0.5.0"
  │ "mirage-block-solo5" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_block.ml:        [ package ~min:"2.5.0" ~max:"3.0.0"
  │ "mirage-block-unix" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_block.ml:      Key.pure [ package "mirage-block-ramdisk" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_block.ml:      Key.pure [ package ~min:"0.9.0"
  │ ~max:"0.10.0" "tar-mirage" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_conduit_connector.ml:let pkg = package ~min:"3.0.1"
  │ ~max:"4.0.0" "mirage-conduit"
  │ lib/mirage_impl_conduit_connector.ml:        package ~min:"0.9.2"
  │ ~max:"0.10.0" ~sublibs:["mirage"] "tls" ;
  │ lib/mirage_impl_console.ml:      Key.pure [ package ~min:"2.2.0"
  │ ~max:"3.0.0" "mirage-console-unix" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_console.ml:      Key.pure [ package ~min:"2.2.0"
  │ ~max:"3.0.0" "mirage-console-xen" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_console.ml:      Key.pure [ package ~min:"0.3.0"
  │ ~max:"0.4.0" "mirage-console-solo5" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_ethernet.ml:    Key.pure [ package ~min:"3.5.0"
  │ ~max:"3.6.0" ~sublibs:["ethif"] "tcpip" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_fs.ml:let fat_pkg = package ~min:"0.12.0" ~max:"0.13.0"
  │ "fat-filesystem"
  │ lib/mirage_impl_fs.ml:      Key.pure [package ~min:"1.0.0" ~max:"2.0.0"
  │ "mirage-fs-lwt"]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_http.ml:      Mirage_key.pure [ package ~min:"1.0.0"
  │ ~max:"2.0.0" "cohttp-mirage" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_ip.ml:  Key.pure [ package ~min:"0.11.0" ~max:"0.12.0"
  │ "charrua-client-mirage" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_ip.ml:      Key.pure [ package ~min:"0.6" ~max:"0.7"
  │ "mirage-qubes-ipv4" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_kv_ro.ml:        package ~min:"2.0.0" ~max:"3.0.0"
  │ "io-page";
  │ lib/mirage_impl_kv_ro.ml:        package ~min:"2.0.0" ~max:"3.0.0"
  │ ~build:true "crunch"
  │ lib/mirage_impl_kv_ro.ml:      Key.pure [ package ~min:"1.5.0"
  │ ~max:"2.0.0" "mirage-fs-unix" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_mclock.ml:      [ package ~min:"1.2.0" ~max:"2.0.0"
  │ "mirage-clock-unix" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_mclock.ml:      [ package ~min:"1.2.0" ~max:"2.0.0"
  │ "mirage-clock-freestanding" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_network.ml:      | `Unix -> [ package ~min:"2.3.0"
  │ ~max:"3.0.0" "mirage-net-unix" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_network.ml:      | `MacOSX -> [ package ~min:"1.4.0"
  │ ~max:"2.0.0" "mirage-net-macosx" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_network.ml:      | `Xen -> [ package ~min:"1.7.0"
  │ ~max:"2.0.0" "mirage-net-xen"]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_network.ml:        [ package ~min:"1.7.0" ~max:"2.0.0"
  │ "mirage-net-xen" ;
  │ lib/mirage_impl_network.ml:        [ package ~min:"0.4.0" ~max:"0.5.0"
  │ "mirage-net-solo5" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_pclock.ml:      [ package ~min:"1.2.0" ~max:"2.0.0"
  │ "mirage-clock-unix" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_pclock.ml:      [ package ~min:"1.2.0" ~max:"2.0.0"
  │ "mirage-clock-freestanding" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_qubesdb.ml:let pkg = package ~min:"0.4" ~max:"0.7"
  │ "mirage-qubes"
  │ lib/mirage_impl_random.ml:    Mirage_key.pure [ package ~max:"0.1.0"
  │ "mirage-random-stdlib" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_random.ml:   the package array. *)
  │ lib/mirage_impl_random.ml:        [ package ~min:"0.5.4" ~max:"0.6.0"
  │ ~sublibs:["mirage"] "nocrypto";
  │ lib/mirage_impl_random.ml:          package ~max:"2.0" ~ocamlfind:[]
  │ "zarith-xen" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_random.ml:        [ package ~min:"0.5.4" ~max:"0.6.0"
  │ ~sublibs:["mirage"] "nocrypto";
  │ lib/mirage_impl_random.ml:          package ~max:"2.0" ~ocamlfind:[]
  │ "zarith-freestanding" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_random.ml:        [ package ~min:"0.5.4" ~max:"0.6.0"
  │ ~sublibs:["lwt"] "nocrypto" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_random.ml:    Mirage_key.pure [ package ~min:"0.5.4"
  │ ~max:"0.6.0" "nocrypto" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_reporter.ml:      Key.pure [ package ~min:"0.3.0"
  │ ~max:"0.4.0" "mirage-logs" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_resolver.ml:          package ~min:"1.0.0" ~max:"2.0.0"
  │ "conduit-lwt-unix"; ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_syslog.ml:  Key.pure [ package ~min:"0.2.0" ~max:"0.3.0"
  │ ~sublibs "logs-syslog" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_tracing.ml:        [ package ~max:"1.0.0" "mirage-profile";
  │ lib/mirage_impl_tracing.ml:          package ~max:"1.0.0"
  │ "mirage-profile-xen" ]
  │ lib/mirage_impl_tracing.ml:        [ package ~max:"1.0.0" "mirage-profile";
  │ lib/mirage_impl_tracing.ml:          package ~max:"1.0.0"
  │ "mirage-profile-unix" ]

[MirageOS 3.3.0] https://mirage.io


Experimenting with a new opam repository release strategy for large libraries


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  Dear opam repository contributors,

  You will all be familiar with the difficulty of contributing a large
  new set of libraries into modern opam, due to the need to establish
  upper bounds on third party packages that use your libraries that have
  made breaking changes to interfaces.  This difficulty exists due to
  how successful we have been at importing in *multiple versions* of the
  same package into the opam-repository, and leveraging the opam solver
  to decide on the freshest versions of packages to install.

  In order to make the contribution process a little easier, we are
  experimenting with a new release strategy for the latest large library
  set to drop into opam-repository (in this case, the new JS Core
  release).  It is as follows:

  1) add upper bounds to *all* opam-repository packages that use your
     library in one PR. This prevents the newer libraries from being
     selected by the solver for existing packages.
  2) import the new libraries, knowing that they will not be selected by
     the solver for existing packages.
  3) relax the upper bounds on third party packages that have been
     tested to work with the new release.

  This three-step process effectively allows the new versions of a
  library set to be staged in the opam repository without causing a
  massive interlock with third party packages. It also (via step 3)
  gives maintainers time to get used to a new library set without users
  being affected.

  The main downside to this approach is that it may break development
  pins, since that metadata exists separately in each upstream
  repository and needs to be updated with upper bounds (or preferably,
  the code fixed to support the newer library).

  The more minor downside is that it involves the maintainer of a
  library you depend on adding version constraints to "your" packages.
  Since the *only* change here is to add an upper bound to an existing
  dependency, we judge this to be acceptable to the long-term health of
  the opam-repository database.  However, maintainers do have ample
  chance to comment on the step 1) repository if you really do not want
  anyone else making changes to your packages.  In this case however, we
  expect the maintainers who have objections to step up and do some
  testing with the newer releases and/or propose any changes in good

  I'd like to emphasise that this is an experiment at the moment and not
  firm opam-repository policy, but one that we feel is worth trying. If
  it does work, then we can improve the tooling around the 3 steps to
  make it as easy as possible for maintainers.  In the meanwhile, you
  can see the first step of it in action in
  [ocaml/opam-repository#13010] which adds upper bounds in preparation
  for the new version of Core.


Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml Planet].

  • [An Introduction to Tezos RPCs: a Basic Wallet]
  • [Parser Construction With Menhir: A Couple Appetizers]

[OCaml Planet] http://ocaml.org/community/planet/

[An Introduction to Tezos RPCs: a Basic Wallet]

[Parser Construction With Menhir: A Couple Appetizers]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] mailto:alan.schm...@polytechnique.org

[the archive] http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/

[RSS feed of the archives] http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss

[online] http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/

[Alan Schmitt] http://alan.petitepomme.net/

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