I was wondering how we can help with next steps?
I keep seeing all the attention going to the Sinatra framework (and Rails of course) and would love to help more with promoting Camping. It would be great if one of our web designer / Camping friend could help create a catchy visual for the site. How about a night time view of a camp fire with a tent and maybe a small projector with a big silver screen where we could display rotating content / slides? Any other crazy concepts?


On 10/18/2009 6:03 PM, Dave Everitt wrote:
Below: collated results for a Camping domain name, have added my prefs and all others. Perhaps we can increment/decrement these scores from now on to get a final result ;-)

[Philippe]: I feel that having the word Ruby in the name would be good for SEO and more likely to incite people not familiar with Camping to click on a link due to the association with Ruby.

agreed. 'rubycamping.com' is available (as are the others, I *think*). Also agree with the need to distinguish Camping from RoR, so not so sure about 'rubyoncamping.com'? For SEO it's common to have > 1 domain, with a primary one, so (say) 'ruby-camping-framework.com/org/net' might be a good buy to forward to the chosen domain. Since this isn't a commercial site, I'd prefer .org/.net with the .com variation sitting there quietly - opinions?

rubycamping.com [9 +1]
campingframework.com [2 +1]
rubyoncamping.com [10 -1]
whywentcamping.com [1 +2] (cute but I wonder if people may skip the site link by thinking it has nothing to do with Ruby)


PS I have to sleep now.

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