Having a new official release would be great especially since Sinatra published their 1.0 release yesterday. ;-)

The new Rubyforge page would be nice but wouldn't a more marketing-centric site help increase adoption?

On 3/23/2010 9:58 AM, Magnus Holm wrote:
Indeed, but for now I think http://stuff.judofyr.net/camping-docs/ (or, the URL would actually be camping.rubyforge.org <http://camping.rubyforge.org> when released) would be enough.

I think we're pretty much ready for a release. If you'd like, I could mark HEAD as 2.0.rc1 and push it out to Gemcutter. Then you guys who have 2.0 apps could do a "gem install camping --pre" and make sure everything works. If everything seems fine we can release it :)

// Magnus Holm

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 04:16, Philippe Monnet <r...@monnet-usa.com <mailto:r...@monnet-usa.com>> wrote:

    I like the idea of the site being built on Camping and combining
    mini-apps and static content all integrated with jQuery for
    example. I am currently running two Camping 2.0 apps on Heroku and
    they work great. Hosting on Heroku would be also be convenient
    because of the ability to add Git contributors and because of the
    ease of deployment.

    On 3/21/2010 3:58 PM, Dave Everitt wrote:
    Hi Philippe

    I am one of those Camping friends (although I've been too busy
    with clients just lately to do much). Although I just posted
    links to your Camping 'add-ons' to the wiki :-)

    I agree about Sinatra - from curiosity I've even dabbled with it
    myself (shame!), although it is nice that Camping still has a
    small community feel. Perhaps some _why-type cartoons (along the
    lines you suggest) might be the right way forward for a 'This is
    Camping' website. Or just keep things clean and minimal.

    As for content, that was covered in another post to the list some
    time ago, as was a domain name. Magnus has the substance
    (tutorial, examples, etc.) and a nice CSS style for the blog
    example. Maybe start with a developed version of the Camping blog
    on Heroku (free) so we can each add Camping-related posts to keep
    things fresh?

    It's just making enough time to put it all together... I'd be
    happy to chip in, but what's the best way to build a whole site
    that uses Camping - a collection of apps and generated static
    pages? I once used Camping 1.5 (running as CGI) as an easy way to
    make a simple multipage wireframe mockup, but...


    I was wondering how we can help with next steps?
    I keep seeing all the attention going to the Sinatra framework
    (and Rails of course) and would love to help more with promoting
    Camping. It would be great if one of our web designer / Camping
    friend could help create a catchy visual for the site. How about
    a night time view of a camp fire with a tent and maybe a small
    projector with a big silver screen where we could display
    rotating content / slides? Any other crazy concepts?


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