Hi David,

I had played with RESTstop on the old Camping maybe six months ago.
I have now started to take a look at what the issues are about.
So far I have found a few things like:

In reststop.rb:
- the service method needs to retrieve the REQUEST_METHOD using @env['REQUEST_METHOD'] -the condition on the if statement on the last m.capture line of the render method needs to be adjusted (not sure what a[0] should be replaced with. So far I have temporarily replaced the line by:
     s = m.capture{send(:layout){s}} if m.respond_to?(:layout)

In the blog.rb example
  - the version number for camping needs to be updated
  - require 'camping/db' should be removed since now obsolete
  - require 'markaby' needs to be added

So far I can bring up the app in a browser, login, add a post.
But if I use Restr I can only do a GET. The PUT currently fails with a 401. I will continue to try figuring it out over the next week or so.
It would be great if the initial author could help us out.


On 3/12/2010 8:04 AM, David Susco wrote:
Has anyone managed to get camping to work with reststop using 1.9.354?

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