I actually have a reststop app up and running fine with Camping 2.0 (check
out Taskr at http://github.com/zuk/taskr). Tthe catch is that it's a version
of 2.0 that I forked about this time last year, and looking at the github
graph, Magnus has committed a whole slew of changes since then. So whatever
broke Reststop must have been committed in the last 10 months or so.

To be honest over the last year I've mostly switched form Camping to Sinatra
(and lately to Node.js, which is really really cool by the way). The problem
with Camping, for me, is that trying to extend it is a nightmare. I learned
this the hard way while writing Reststop and Picnic.

Anyway I have a bit of time right now, so since there seems to be some
interest, I'll pull down the latest version of Camping and see if I can make
it work with Reststop. I should also move Reststop to github while I'm at

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Philippe Monnet <r...@monnet-usa.com>wrote:

>  Hi David,
> I had played with RESTstop on the old Camping maybe six months ago.
> I have now started to take a look at what the issues are about.
> So far I have found a few things like:
> In reststop.rb:
>   - the service method needs to retrieve the REQUEST_METHOD using
>   -the condition on the if statement on the last m.capture line of the
> render method needs to be adjusted (not sure what a[0] should be replaced
> with. So far I have temporarily replaced the line by:
>      s = m.capture{send(:layout){s}} if m.respond_to?(:layout)
> In the blog.rb example
>   - the version number for camping needs to be updated
>   - require 'camping/db' should be removed since now obsolete
>   - require 'markaby' needs to be added
> So far I can bring up the app in a browser, login, add a post.
> But if I use Restr I can only do a GET. The PUT currently fails with a 401.
> I will continue to try figuring it out over the next week or so.
> It would be great if the initial author could help us out.
> Philippe
> On 3/12/2010 8:04 AM, David Susco wrote:
> Has anyone managed to get camping to work with reststop using 1.9.354?
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