
On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 09:19:25AM -0400, David Susco wrote:
> On a somewhat related note. How do people handle static content in a
> development environment? Is there a way to make the camping server
> aware of the public/ directory and serve the files within it?
> What about in production? Is passenger smart enough to pass requests
> for files in public/ back to apache or is some further configuration
> required?

I think everyone uses some variant on the following controller:

 class StaticX
    MIME_TYPES = {'.css'  => 'text/css',
                  '.js'   => 'text/javascript',
                  '.jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
                  '.jpg'  => 'image/jpeg',
                  '.png'  => 'image/png'}

    def get(path)
      @headers['Content-Type'] = MIME_TYPES[path[/\.\w+$/, 0]] || "text/plain"
      unless path.include? ".."
        @headers['X-Sendfile'] = (BASE_DIR + path).to_s
        @status = "403"
        "403 - Invalid path"

with declaring at top:  BASE_DIR = Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname + "public"

Given that passenger picks up Camping apps only if they have a "public"
subdirectory and a config.ru, it might make sense to create a
camping/static library for serving static data with auto-mime-type
detection and ship this with Camping.  Serving static files seems to be
done often.  What do you guys think?

N.B. I had to install Apache with Passenger and the xsendfile module, but then
it worked out of the box.

Kind regards,

PhD Student @ Eindhoven                     | email: p...@luon.net
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: p...@luon.net
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