Been lurking, so offering an overview response:

Jenna: I see this problem as a chance to be reborn anew.

This *does* seem like the opportunity to remake Markaby (continuing the _why legacy) 'for the 21st Century' that generates either optionally indented (n spaces) or minimised:
  HTML5 (at least what's definite so far)
  HTML4.01 (strict - no need to allow deprecated markup)

but *not* the officially dead XHTML (or - for me - it's syntax e.g. self-closing br tags).

Phillipe: Rumble seems like a good start.
Magnus: this commit implements a tiny and fast Markaby-alternative (called Mab) ... it's completely inline in camping/mab.rb, but it should be fairy easy to create another Rubygem where we could implement for advanced features (indentation, AJAX-stuff, whatever).

(git pull mab ||

How do Rumble/Mab square up regarding -XHTML +HTML4/5?

Being primarily a front-ender who knows HTML/CSS backwards and HTML5 pretty well, I'd happily pitch in with this.

write JS in ruby easily with camping out of the box

Not sure about that, as reinventing a (say) CoffeeScript-esque wheel seems redundant - I'd go for minimalism (Camping's strength), not expansion. Rewriting HTML as a 'Ruby DSL' makes sense, but both CSS and Javascript already have Less (plus descendants) and CoffeeScript (and, of course JQuery on top). But then I'd argue that knowing those languages is an essential WebUI skill anyway.


Okay, we might have a slight problem:

It doesn't seem that Markaby ever had a specific license. This means that it's currently "Copyright © _why" and we might not have the right to re-distribute (or contribute to) it.

So first of all: if you've ever seen a LICENSE/COPYING-file (or something else that explicitly says the license) related to Markaby, please let us know!

If not, I'm wondering what we should do. I don't think that _why would really care if people brought his libraries forward, but I kinda get an uneasy feeling about this.

// Magnus Holm
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