On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 06:57:51AM -0600, Philippe Monnet wrote:
> I think it would be fun too. Love meta stuff.
> In general I think the more tutorials / screencasts / posts / sites
> on Camping, the merrier.

Although I generally agree, I'd prefer them to be somewhat
organised/structured.  For example, the blog is a good basic app,
but I would like to have tutorials for specific things such as:
adding cookies, sessions, using different view/template systems,
integrating multiple apps, etc.  Rather than having a screencast of a
"wiki" app that happens to mention sessions.

In my opinion the Camping site should answer questions/help out
with different aspects of creating/extending/maintaining a Camping
application.  This is something that currently requires joining
#camping on IRC, asking the question and waiting for a long time.
(Not there that is anything whatsover wrong with our IRC-channel. :)


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