I'm using 3.1.0 at the moment, deploying to Ubuntu 13.10. My deploy.rb file 
sets :keep_releases to 5.

When I deploy, sometimes (I hate that) Cap can't delete a subdir in 
/var/www/myapp/releases/2014.../public/uploads. That subdir starts its life 
as owned by deploy/deployer, but in the oldest release (the one Cap is 
trying to delete) it gets reset to root/deployer. The root user is in the 
deployer group, but the file permissions are thusly:

drwxr-sr-x 2 root   deployer 4096 Jun 27 06:42 

Without group write permissions for the subdir, Cap won't be able to delete 
it. But as I said, the group of the subdir is being changed somehow from 
deploy to root.

Is Cap doing this? If so, can I stop it? The maddening thing is that it 
doesn't seem to happen all the time, but when it does, it kills the deploy.

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