On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Guillaume Devianne <gdevia...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Great!
> As I recall, it uses the ResourceBundle
> http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/i18n/resbundle/propfile.html
> Also, (to be verified for accuracy), there are 3 levels of resources,
>    1. default resource eg: Resources.properties
>    2. language only resource eg:Resources_en.properties
>    3. language and country resource eg: Resources_en_GB.properties
>    and Resources_en_US.properties
Thanks a lot for your suggestions Guillaume.

If you implement that, one could look at the code and, for example,
> if there is no Spanish property file, create both Resources_es.properties
> and Resources_es_CL.properties
> Then, if a Mexican wants to help, he can eventually create
> the Resources_es_MX.properties if it is needed.
> Exactly. I feel we didn't think this much earlier regarding the
localization. As with the huge interest shown in using WSO2 products in
other languages, (specially Spanish and Chinese according to the user
mails), I can clearly say, these improvements will help a lot of users as of

Currently I am in the process of documenting the current localization
methodology (which is pretty much covered in this mail thread itself), as a
resource for the users who try to localize the WSO2 products.

[CC'ing to carbon-dev and stratos-dev for the wider audience].

Thank you.

> Cheers
> Guillaume
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 1:11 AM, Kathiravelu Pradeeban <pradee...@wso2.com
> > wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 5:50 AM, Guillaume Devianne 
>> <gdevia...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Pradeeban,
>>> Hi Guillaume,
>>  Funny I looked into localizing Identity Server today.
>>> I found Resources.properties and JSResource.properties to be changed
>>> in different places.
>> I agree, we have to change it in all the ui bundles.
>>> I know I can just change the words in those files and restart the server,
>>> but I thought that the "correct" way to do it is to create a copy of those
>>> files and name them :
>>> Resources_es_CL.properties
>>> es:espaƱol and CL being Chile (where I live).
>> +1. I have worked in many open source projects, where they have LL_CC.*
>> format (Language_Country, for eg: EN_GB.properties).
>>> That way, you could add those files to ehe source code and have spanish
>>> for chile along with the english, chinese, Sinhala versions.
>>> What is the way that is implemented in Carbon products?
>> Here we are reading the properties files, and getting the relevant strings
>> for the keys. The change that you propose is doable. I have created a jira
>> (CARBON-9183 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-9183>) to track this.
>> Thanks for your effort in localizing WSO2 Carbon, and thanks a lot for
>> your suggestion. I will have a look more.
>> Thank you.
>> Regards,
>> Pradeeban.
>>> Guillaume Devianne
>>> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:56 AM, Kathiravelu Pradeeban <
>>> pradee...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have been experimenting with WSO2 Stratos Manager for a howto on
>>>> localizing wso2 carbon based products.
>>>> For that, I had to localize the Resources.properties and
>>>> JSResources.properties files in locations like when coming to localize the
>>>> source, even before building.
>>>> But obviously what users choose is to localize the product binaries. So
>>>> I had to localize the .properties files in ui bundle jars in
>>>> repository/components/plugins. For example, attached is the
>>>> Resouces.properties in org.wso2.stratos.tenant.mgt.ui-1.0.0.jar
>>>> (/org.wso2.stratos.tenant.mgt.ui-1.0.0/org/wso2/stratos/tenant/mgt/ui/i18n)
>>>> localized to Spanish (Pls tolerate my poor Spanish knowledge. This is just
>>>> experimental).
>>>> After localizing the relevant .properties files (basically changing the
>>>> value string from English to Spanish, in the key=string pair in the 
>>>> relevant
>>>> files), I restarted Stratos Manager.
>>>> The localized interface was shown in Spanish. But there were some issues
>>>> in displaying the Unicode characters. They weren't displayed properly (Pls
>>>> find the attached image) .
>>>> Pls note, we were able to experimentally localize WSO2 Appserver (and
>>>> some other products too may be) to unicode only languages before
>>>> successfully. So either I must be missing something or some issue from the
>>>> internationalization of the interface of Stratos Manager (Unicode rendering
>>>> issues from the UI).
>>>> Senaka mentioned he had to fix a few ui issues to make the WSO2 GReg to
>>>> globalize properly. Senaka, could you pls provide us the steps to fix this,
>>>> so that we can learn that from you.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Pradeeban.
>>>> --
>>>> Kathiravelu Pradeeban.
>>>> Software Engineer.
>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>> Blog: [Llovizna] http://kkpradeeban.blogspot.com/
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>> --
>> Kathiravelu Pradeeban.
>> Software Engineer.
>> WSO2 Inc.
>> Blog: [Llovizna] http://kkpradeeban.blogspot.com/

Kathiravelu Pradeeban.
Software Engineer.
WSO2 Inc.

Blog: [Llovizna] http://kkpradeeban.blogspot.com/
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