On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Danushka Menikkumbura

> The event team has repeatedly pointed out that qpid gets installed as a
> result of installing event. No product does use qpid alone as far as I know.
> Even in that case it is your responsibility to install what you need. Also
> you guys not reading mails is your problem. I do not want to pay the price
> for all that.

That is not the point. The point is, the defaults expected by the whole
things is busted. Either you have to make it self contained, or fix
it across products if you are chaining the behavior.

> Yes. This is indeed frustrating!
> Danushka
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 10:43 PM, Afkham Azeez <az...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Danushka or whoever is responsible for creating these issues, please fix
>> this asap. We don't want to see this tomorrow morning !
>>  On Mar 30, 2011 10:39 PM, "Dimuthu Leelarathne" <dimut...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I am having a really hard time coping with Qpid instability. I did an
>> svn up
>> > yesterday and build everything. Since BAM didn't start up, I did an svn
>> up
>> > of all Qpid related artifacts and build them again.
>> >
>> > But still BAM doesn't start up because of Qpid config files !!!!!
>> > &#$%$^%^&%$#%
>> >
>> > Here are the the qpid related I build again.
>> >
>> > dependencies/qpid
>> > orbit/qpid
>> > orbit/qpid-client
>> > components/qpid
>> > features/qpid
>> >
>> > And finallly BAM. I cannot commit my GApp feature or test it with any
>> > product because of this.
>> >
>> > Here is the error I get.
>> >
>> > [2011-03-30 22:34:09,293] ERROR
>> > {org.wso2.carbon.qpid.service.QpidServiceImpl} -
>> >
>> /home/muthulee/work/tcarbon-platform/products/bam/modules/distribution/service/target/wso2stratos-bam-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT/repository/conf/qpid/config.xml
>> > not found
>> > Initialisation Error : File
>> >
>> /home/muthulee/work/tcarbon-platform/products/bam/modules/distribution/service/target/wso2stratos-bam-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT/repository/conf/qpid/etc/config.xml
>> > could not be found. Check the file exists and is readable.
>> >
>> > Please help.
>> >
>> > tx,
>> > dimuthu
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WSO2 Inc.
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