Bala Subramaniam wrote:

> ----Info starts here--------

These must be the best committed changes in the last 3 years. 
Congratulations for that.

> 1. Care2x integrated with SimpleInvoices (another open source system) to take 
> care of billing / invoice management.
> 2. Additional patient monitoring forms (Diabetic Drug Chart, Turning chart, 
> Neuro Chart) added to Charts folder.

The standard seems to be SQL-Ledger, but you have difficulty with that 
SimpleInvoices will have to do. Finally there seems to be some movement 
to add a Billing / Accounting module.

> 2. The ZIP / PIN is being validated for 6 digits.

At least UK and Portugal use 7 alphanumeric codes.

>  Users in countries who's pin is less than 6 digits, please prefix equivalent 
> zeros. As to my knowledge there is no country which has PIN more than 6 
> digits. If i am wrong in my assumption, please
>  correct me.
> ---Info ends here-----------

You are very good and indeed pointing in the right direction.

Now we are just waiting to see this code made compatible with current 
PHP code (i.e., PHP 5.x).



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