hi,gay,where can I get the new submit code?

在2008-07-05 18:58:41,"Gjergj Sheldija" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写道:
>it's great to have people
>that help us with such invaluable suggestions...
>> Robert Meggle wrote:
>>>> Bala Subramaniam wrote:
>>> Thank you for commenting it.
>> Hello Robert,
>> I am confused is Bala Subramaniam and Robert Meggle's the same person?
>>> Is there anything what we can 
>>> do for you in a special case/scenario
>> Again you are writing as if you were Bala or as if you had any special 
>> rights over Bala's work and ideas.
>>> or do you want to give some 
>>> specific ideas to the suggestions of Bala?
>> Yes.
>> First: Make Care2x work with the currently supported versions of the 
>> tools it needs to do its work. Most notably, make it work over PHP5.
>> Second: Describe a simple step-by-step procedure on how to 
>> install/update Care2x over a free and widely available platform, say, 
>> Ubuntu 8.04.
>>> SQL-Ledger is just one of the possible free invoice systems. Why do you 
>>> now focusing SQL-Ledger? Is it on your requirement list? Please tell us 
>>> more...
>> While our knowledge is free to share among fellow Care2x developer's, 
>> our time is not free to spend with http://merotech.de/ employees.
>> If you are willing to pay, then we will be willing to teach you on the 
>> particular value of each of the available open source billing packages.
>> Although we are sure that, by googling a bit, you will be able to find 
>> several papers on the subject, some of them sponsored by the EU.
>>> Still working on that.
>> We are used to translate "Still working on that" to "we have no idea how 
>> to do it" or "we have no idea when we will be able to do it"
>>> We did it and ... maybe ... are you a volunteer 
>>> to test it?
>> Show us more of your code, show us less of your words.
>> Where in the Care2x's code repository is your "did it" code?
>> Or, are you referring to [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2007.02.11, fix on 
>> how to make Care2x work with php 5.2.2. ?
>> file : include/inc_environment_global.php
>> line 82:
>> change from: ini_set('session.save_handler','user');
>> to: ini_set('session.save_handler','files');
>> line 102:
>> change from: 
>> include_once($root_path.'classes/adodb/session/adodb-session.php');
>> to: //include_once($root_path.'classes/adodb/session/adodb-session.php');
>>      all this supposing that you have enabled session in your php.in
>>> Please let us know.
>> Here it is. We are letting you know. Be happy.
>> Best regards,
>> M.
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