Hi Elpidio and carers

As I can read, the team is done; well, I can see that , all the work 
spent by me, the IT localization and the three installation I have in 
Italy have zero weight in the decision process...
What does it mean, never mind, I disagree, as IT professional and as 
Nurse prescriber, with this current Prj settings.
Probably it' s time for me to leave the project, due to my demotion, I 
will go ahead with a legal GPL forking



> Hi Elpidio,
> Kudos for the job well done up to the current version. I also want to
> embark on enhancing the care 2002 version that I downloaded some years back.
> Folks anyone with both users and developers manuals in pdf will be
> appreciated.
> Regards.
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 4:56 AM, Elpidio Latorilla
> <elpidio.latori...@gmail.com <mailto:elpidio.latori...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello all,
>     thanks to all who expressed interest in taking over the ownership of
>     care2x domains.
>     I owe you all an explanation for the recent changes. I have not done
>     any development work
>     on this project in the last few years  and I don't see me working on
>     it in the coming years.
>     Because of that I have decided to retire from the Care2x project.  I
>     will still be listening to
>     the list and other communication lines of the project but I will not
>     be active anymore.
>     Furthermore, the project leadership will be transferred to Mauri
>     Niemi. He is a doctor working
>     for missionary hospitals in Tanzania. Mauri has been with the
>     project since its beginning
>     in 2002 and has been active in the development of the tanzanian
>     version. In fact, their
>     Care2x version is one of the most successful application of the
>     project.  I believe that
>     Mauri will be the right project leader. He already agreed to take
>     over the task.
>     The domain names will be transferred to Mauri Niemi. The hosting and
>     maintenance of the
>     websites and other technical tasks will be done by Gjergj and Robert
>     Meggle.
>     Please excuse any disruptions during the transition phase.
>     Thank you.
>     Elpidio
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     _______________________________________________
>     Care2002-developers mailing list
>     Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
>     <mailto:Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
>     https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/care2002-developers
> --
> Joseph M. Chacha
> Box 7741-00100
> Nairobi-Kenya
> Alt Email: chacha...@yahoo.com <mailto:chacha...@yahoo.com> /
> jcha...@anu.ac.ke <mailto:jcha...@anu.ac.ke>
> Cell: +254721994351 / +254733653109
> Office Tel: +254 20 2527071
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Care2002-developers mailing list
> Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/care2002-developers

Dott Claudio Giulio Torbinio

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