> Doesn't seem like a big stretch to add the capability on the client to
> check the validity of the session

Something already exists that could serve the purpose: the useSession
flag on all ticket validation filters; see
for more info.  Setting that option to false will cause the client to
request and validate a CAS ticket for every request to the client
application.  Clearly this would have a performance impact on both the
client application and the CAS server.

I realize that this feature is not the best implementation of a
periodic check on the CAS server to ensure the SSO session is still
alive, but it could be used for that purpose.

> seems like this
> would enhance the security provided by CAS.

My initial reaction to that claim is that the CAS SSO session and the
application session are independent in every way and I can't see what
additional security would be gained by coupling them.  I'd be happy to
consider another view if you could elaborate on your idea.


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