This is probably a simple configuration problem, but I have been searching 
around for ages and can't find out what I've done wrong!

I've got some Java that checks user credentials in a custom way (they're stored 
in a database but I don't think that's relevant).  My class extends 
AbstractJdbcUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler and the 
authenticateUsernamePasswordInternal method ends with:

return createHandlerResult(credential, new SimplePrincipal(username, 
attributes), null);

The "attributes" variable is a HashMap<String,Object> that I populate just 

This class works (in that it correctly allows/denies access), but doesn't 
return any of my custom attributes.

I've got the following inside the deployerConfigContext.xml's default 
RegexRegisteredService bean:

<bean class="">
  <property name="id" value="1" />
  <property name="name" value="Allow HTTP(S)" />
  <property name="description" value="Allows HTTP(S)" />
  <property name="serviceId" value="^https?://.*" />
  <property name="evaluationOrder" value="0" />
  <property name="attributeFilter">
c:regex="^\w+$" />

(I'm confident that this bean is being used because I initially had the 
serviceId attribute's value without the question mark and so my non-HTTPS 
service wasn't allowed to use CAS.)

So in summary, I was expecting some <cas:attribute name="..."> elements to 
appear in the <cas:serviceResponse ...> element, but they aren't for some 

What have I missed, misunderstood or messed up?


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