Thanks Misagh.

I've made some changes and now, just to be explicit, my 
authenticateUsernamePasswordInternal method ends:

Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (billingAccountID != null) attributes.put("billingAccountId", 
attributes.put("groupMembership", "GROUP MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION");
attributes.put("uid", "UID INFORMATION");
return createHandlerResult(credential, new SimplePrincipal(username, 
attributes), null);

(I don't actually need the groupMembership and uid attributes but I noticed 
those names in the configuration file so hardwired them in case they would come 
through; now they're there just in case my billingAccountID is null.)

My deployerConfigContext.xml now contains, directly inside the <beans ...> 

<util:list id="registeredServicesList">
    <bean class=""
          p:id="0" p:name="HTTP and IMAP" p:description="Allows HTTP(S) and 
IMAP(S) protocols"
          p:serviceId="^(https?|imaps?)://.*" p:evaluationOrder="10000001" />
    <bean class="">
        <property name="id" value="0" />
        <property name="name" value="HTTP Services" />
        <property name="description" value="HTTP Services" />
        <property name="serviceId" value="http://**"; />
        <property name="allowedAttributes">

And I got rid of the attribute filter as you suggested.

I *believe* this is all that should be required (reading
 but I'm still not getting any attributes through at all.

Have I still missed a step?


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