Hello all,

I've been looking into purchasing a 10GbE cable for a ROACH board. It has a Virtex 5 on it (I believe they're reffered to as ROACH 1 boards on the CASPER site). I would just like some advice with this. I was able to find a 3 meter cable at this site: http://stordis.com/catalogue/product/s=wl-gore-sdgcabcx4283. I would like someone's 2 cents concerning the validity of this product, if you will. On another note, does anyone have any recommendations concerning the Fujitsu switches? I wasn't able to find them on the site, but a little bit of Googling revealed that they could rack up a price. Which switches are other people using for this set up?

P.S. I plan on first using the cable and switch for the iADC tutorial (number 2, I believe) and then to move on to bigger and better things :)

Thanks in advance,

-- Louis Dartez
(956) 372-5812
Arecibo Remote Command Center Researcher
Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy
University of Texas at Brownsville

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