
Which version of mlib_devel are you using?


On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:16 PM, Weiwei Sun <su...@uw.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have trouble to compile the adc clock rate of asiaa_adc5g block at
> 2500MHz.
> Block parameter: two-channel, ZDOK0, demux 1:1 .
> System: roach2, clock source:adc0_clk, clock rate: 312.5MHz)
> The error is as follows:
> Creating block object: xps_adc5g
> Problem with block: lab_test_adv5/asiaa_adc5g1
> : An optimum PLL solution is not available!
> Backtrace 1: xps_adc5g:175
> Backtrace 2: gen_xps_files:229
> Backtrace 3: run_Callback:149
> Backtrace 4: casper_xps:82
> Backtrace 5:
> @(hObject,eventdata)casper_xps('run_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)):0
> Error using gen_xps_files (line 242)
> Error found during Object creation.
> There are a bunch of frequency justification in the xps_adc5g.m that I just
> can't understand.  Could some one give me some suggestions on the error or
> the codes? Does it mean that the 5G adc can't run at 2.5GHz?
> Any help or suggestions are very appreciated!
> Weiwei

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