Hi Matt,

The qdr_cal routine calibrates the relationship of clock and data signals
in the link between the FPGA and QDR signals. Basically it writes test
patterns and reads them back looking for glitches. It then changes the
delay of IODELAY blocks so that data read from the QDR is captured reliably.
If this calibration script runs successfully, I'm surprised you still see
glitches with 32 bits of data swapped between read and write (both from
PPC). This would (surely?) count as a glitch and cause the calibration
routine to fail(?). Do you only see strange behaviour when you read from
the FPGA fabric, or do straight write/reads from the CPU also misbehave? Is
the behaviour the same on every read / write (i.e., not intermittent)?

My experience with the QDR is that at high clock speeds (not sure how high,
but I see this at 312 MHz) the read latency of the QDR interface isn't 10
clock cycles as it should be even with the minimum IODELAY configuration,
and there are no reliable qdr_cal solutions. I solved this problem for my
design by removing half a clock cycle latency from the interface, at which
point the QDR would calibrate ok. What speed are you running your design
at? To me, misordered 32-bit chunks of data sounds indicative of a latency
problem in the qdr_cal solution, since the interface is 32 bit DDR, so half
a clock cycle mangles 32-bit chunks of data.

Good luck!


On Fri, 6 Mar 2015 at 23:54 Matt Strader <mstra...@physics.ucsb.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use QDR on Roach2.  I have a test design where I write to
> QDR either in firmware or with katcp, then read it out in the firmware and
> check the results with snapshot blocks.  It mostly works, but with some
> interesting quirks.
> I know that katcp can only write 64 bits of the 72 bit QDR word, so I
> changed the bitbasher blocks in qdr_mask.m to move the inaccessible bits
> out of the way to the most significant bits.  Now everything seems to work
> well, except that in some builds (seems to depend on clock rate?), the
> first 32 bits (of the 64 bits I'm writing in a cycle) get swapped with the
> last 32 bits sometime between writing the word and reading it back.  And
> there is a sometimes a difference in whether I am writing in firmware or by
> katcp to whether this swap happens.
> Also, when I write with katcp starting at address zero, I find that when
> reading out, the write started at what seems to be address 1.  Is the
> latency of QDR set to 10 cycles?
> I can live with all this, as long as it is repeatable for a given design,
> but I thought I'd ask if anyone knows what is causing these quirks.
> Also, I understand that we should run a software calibration for qdr,
> which seems to be qdr_cal() in qdr.py in the ska-sa:casperfpga repo.  So, I
> run this first, which seems to work for my latest compiles, but I haven't
> noticed a difference in the results.  What exactly does this calibration
> do?
> Thanks,
> Matt Strader
> UC Santa Barbara

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