
I am working on how to work with different operating of the 'ADC16x250-8
coax rev 2' for a very simple design to test how the ADC works. The design
is compiled at an IP clock rate setting of 200MHz. My objective is to
sample my input signal at higher sampling rate (preferably 400, 800 MHz).

According to the user guide ''
https://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/images/4/4c/ADC16_user_guide.txt"; by
setting the demux parameter I should be able to switch between different
sampling rates. I get the following error.

$ adc16_init.rb -v -demux=1 poly_design.bof

/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/adc16-0.3.6/bin/adc16_init.rb:40:in `<top
(required)>': invalid option: -demux=2 (OptionParser::InvalidOption)

from /usr/local/bin/adc16_init.rb:19:in `load'

from /usr/local/bin/adc16_init.rb:19:in `<main>'

When I don't pass the 'demux' parameter the ADC board get initialized to 8
analog inputs by default.

How do I resolve this issue? or how can I set the ADC's to operate at
different sampling rates?

Thank you in advance


*Vishwa Seneviratne*

*Graduate Student*

*Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
*University of Akron*

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