Delivering a clock of 960 MHz to the ADC card and programming the
4 ADC ICs to divide that clock by two would work as well.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 9:49 AM, David MacMahon <dav...@astro.berkeley.edu>

> Hi Vishwa,
> I am not at my computer right now, so this is from memory, but I think you
> want to specify an IP clock rate of 240 MHz and supply a 480 MHz clock to
> the ADC card(s). The IP clock rate is sometimes called the fabric clock
> rate. It is the rate at which the FPGA logic elements (aka fabric) operate.
> The ADC chips need a sample clock that is commensurate with the sampling
> frequency. When you initialize the ADCs using adc16_init.rb, be sure to
> pass the "-d" option. If your version of adc16_init.rb does not support the
> "-d" option, then you will need to update it.
> Hope this helps,
> Dave
> On Mar 9, 2016, at 08:33, Vishwa Seneviratne <mp...@zips.uakron.edu>
> wrote:
> Hi David/Jack,
> We are working on a beam former and we use the 'ADC16x250-8 coax rev 2' to
> sample RF signals using ROACH2-Rev 2. The operating BW is 240MHz. Thus, we
> need to sample the signals at 480 MSamples/s. We have few queries regarding
> the adc16 yellow block and how to setup the input clock.
> 1. Can we compile a design by setting the IP clock rate to 480MHz?
> 2. Should we supply a IP clock frequency of 480MHz to the ADC board to
> achieve a sampling rate of 480MSamples/s.  If not, at what clock rate
> should we supply? And what other parameters needed to setup when running
> the bof file.
> Thank you
> Sincerely,
> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
> *Graduate Student*
> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
> *University of Akron*
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 12:38 PM, David MacMahon <dav...@astro.berkeley.edu
> > wrote:
>> Hi, Vishwa,
>> The software installed by following the ADC16 user guide had not been
>> updated with the newer version of the adc16 code that supports demux mode.
>> I have updated the software that the user guide points to, so if you
>> reinstall the adc16 gem as per the user guide you should get version 0.4.0
>> which supports demux mode.
>> Thanks for bringing this issue to my attention.
>> Dave
>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 7:02 PM, Vishwa Seneviratne <mp...@zips.uakron.edu>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> Here is the output.
>> vishwa@server3:~/Desktop/roach/poly$ adc16_init.rb -h
>> Usage: adc16_init.rb [OPTIONS] HOSTNAME BOF
>> Programs HOSTNAME with ADC16-based design BOF and then calibrates
>> the serdes receivers.
>> Options:
>>     -i, --iters=N                    Number of snaps per tap [1]
>>     -r, --reg=R1=V1[,R2=V2...]       Register addr=value pairs to set
>>     -v, --[no-]verbose               Display more info [false]
>>     -h, --help                       Show this message
>> vishwa@server3:~/Desktop/roach/poly$ gem list adc16
>> *** LOCAL GEMS ***
>> adc16 (0.3.6)
>> Sincerely,
>> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
>> *Graduate Student*
>> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
>> *University of Akron*
>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 11:28 AM, David MacMahon <
>> dav...@astro.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>>> What does "adc16_init.rb -h" show?  What does "gem list adc16" show?
>>> Maybe you need a newer version of the adc16 code.
>>> Dave
>>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 18:20, Vishwa Seneviratne <mp...@zips.uakron.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jack,
>>> I'm thinking that the ruby script 'adc16_init.rb' does not identify the
>>> '--demux' parameter. I used the code at 'git://
>>> github.com/david-macmahon/casper_adc16.git'. What can I do to set the
>>> parameter?
>>> Thank you
>>> Sincerely,
>>> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
>>> *Graduate Student*
>>> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
>>> *University of Akron*
>>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 11:02 AM, Vishwa Seneviratne <
>>> mp...@zips.uakron.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jack,
>>>> I did try all the combinations. The error remains the same.
>>>> $ adc16_init.rb -v --demux=1 poly_design.bof
>>>> /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/adc16-0.3.6/bin/adc16_init.rb:40:in `<top
>>>> (required)>': invalid option: --demux=2 (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
>>>> from /usr/local/bin/adc16_init.rb:19:in `load'
>>>> from /usr/local/bin/adc16_init.rb:19:in `<main>'
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
>>>> *Graduate Student*
>>>> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
>>>> *University of Akron*
>>>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 2:25 AM, Jack Hickish <jackhick...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Vishwa,
>>>>> Is the syntax definitely -demux=1 andnot either --demux=1 or -d 1 ?
>>>>> Jack
>>>>> On Wed, 3 Feb 2016, 12:39 a.m. Vishwa Seneviratne <
>>>>> mp...@zips.uakron.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am working on how to work with different operating of
>>>>>> the 'ADC16x250-8 coax rev 2' for a very simple design to test how the ADC
>>>>>> works. The design is compiled at an IP clock rate setting of 200MHz. My
>>>>>> objective is to sample my input signal at higher sampling rate 
>>>>>> (preferably
>>>>>> 400, 800 MHz).
>>>>>> According to the user guide ''
>>>>>> https://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/images/4/4c/ADC16_user_guide.txt";
>>>>>> by setting the demux parameter I should be able to switch between 
>>>>>> different
>>>>>> sampling rates. I get the following error.
>>>>>> $ adc16_init.rb -v -demux=1 poly_design.bof
>>>>>> /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/adc16-0.3.6/bin/adc16_init.rb:40:in `<top
>>>>>> (required)>': invalid option: -demux=2 (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
>>>>>> from /usr/local/bin/adc16_init.rb:19:in `load'
>>>>>> from /usr/local/bin/adc16_init.rb:19:in `<main>'
>>>>>> When I don't pass the 'demux' parameter the ADC board get initialized
>>>>>> to 8 analog inputs by default.
>>>>>> How do I resolve this issue? or how can I set the ADC's to operate at
>>>>>> different sampling rates?
>>>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
>>>>>> *Graduate Student*
>>>>>> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
>>>>>> *University of Akron*

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