On Wed, 22 Jun 2016, 03:53 Adam Isaacson, <aisaac...@ska.ac.za> wrote:

> Hi Jack and Andrea,
> I have tested the JASPER tool flow (matlab/python hybrid) on SNAP (no
> hardware, just compiling) and we are in the process of testing on skarab.
> We still have a lot more testing to do, so there may be bugs - you have
> been warned. There is currently no support for ROACH2 or rather, this still
> needs to be added at some point, as far as I am aware. The current CASPER
> toolflow (matlab only and no python) supports ROACH2.

H'interesting - thanks for the setting me straight, Adam. There was a
point, quite a long time ago, when jasper could at least compile tutorial 2
(ten gig Ethernet) for roach2. I thought this had been developed further -
guess not! Mea culpa.


> @Andrea: Just so you know. We have are working with Optinum Solutions here
> in South Africa and one of the tasks is to target the ROACH2 using
> MathWorks HDL-Coder i.e. the HDL code will get generated from the MathWorks
> environment. The problem with the MathWorks tools are that they are very
> expensive and it is not always a viable option. If you are from an academic
> institution then they offer really good deals. It may be worthwhile looking
> at this. We hope to have ROACH2 targeted by the end of the year. The idea
> is to compare HDL-Coder's code generation efficiency with our current
> toolflow.
> @Andrea: A lot of effort has been spent on developing the CASPER and
> JASPER toolflow. It really is a one-click toolflow, which when complete
> generates the project files and programming files. These project files can
> then be opened using the Vivado or ISE GUI just the same way as if you had
> created the VHDL or verilog source yourself.
> Good luck!
> Kind Regards,
> Adam
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 11:47 PM, Jack Hickish <jackhick...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Andrea, cc-ing maillist, since I don't think you're the only one to do
>> (or want to do) this,
>> What you are suggesting is absolutely technically possible, though (as
>> much as I dislike simulink), I'd think really hard before going through
>> with it. Note also, if you don't use the toolflow, you become completely
>> responsible for managing the FPGA's memory-mapped devices, and will have to
>> manually build a boffile if you want to use the katcp/borphserver
>> programming environment. That said, others may already have done all the
>> legwork for you.
>> Anyway, with that cautionary note....
>> The VHDL (or verilog) for the various CASPER blocks is available as part
>> of the various pcores of the roach2 base package --
>> https://github.com/casper-astro/mlib_devel/tree/master/xps_base/XPS_ROACH2_base/pcores
>> .
>> The instantiation of these interface blocks is performed by the toolflow
>> at compile time, which generates a Xilinx EDK spec system.mhs top level
>> file. If you want to find out how to instantiate these blocks yourself,
>> using the toolflow as a guide, here is where you climb into the CASPER
>> rabbit hole.
>> There is an EDK template for a compile in the base package: for ROACH2 --
>> https://github.com/casper-astro/mlib_devel/blob/master/xps_base/XPS_ROACH2_base/system.mhs
>>  .
>> In theory, if you strip out the #IF#s in this file, you'll have a top-level
>> model description you can add stuff to -- but it still won't be in VHDL,
>> even if the instantiated modules are. Constraints are in
>> https://github.com/casper-astro/mlib_devel/blob/master/xps_base/XPS_ROACH2_base/data/system.ucf
>> The toolflow adds to this template in a variety of ways --
>> * individual yellow blocks can add code via the MATLAB object-oriented
>> infrastructure via the gen_mhs_ip and gen_ucf methods of the xps class --
>> eg.
>> https://github.com/casper-astro/mlib_devel/tree/master/xps_library/%40xps_adc5g
>> * or via an overridden gen_mhs_ip or gen_ucf -- eg.
>> https://github.com/casper-astro/mlib_devel/blob/master/xps_library/%40xps_bram/gen_mhs_ip.m
>> * or via all the #IF# statements in the base package system.mhs/system.ucf
>> If (#IF#?) you want to dig through the matlab block classes, and
>> system.mhs looking for what a particular yellow block *does* when it is
>> instantiated, you probably could. But it will still be an EDK file, not
>> vhdl.
>> You could also fire up simulink, compile a design with appropriate yellow
>> blocks in and then grab the system.mhs it generates and use that as a
>> template.
>> You could also look in an old ROACH2 testing repository where firmware
>> was tested prior to being casperized --
>> https://github.com/ska-sa/roach2_test_gateware/blob/master/modules/toplevel/hdl/toplevel.v
>>  which
>> is all VHDL/Verilog, but probably doesn't have all the modules you need.
>> You might find the yellow block casper tutorial is useful in figuring out
>> where various aspects of the interface code is instantiated.
>> As a final note -- the latest version of the Vivado-based CASPER toolflow
>> (aka, JASPER), includes (thanks, Adam & Wes in SA!) the ability to generate
>> an ISE-spec project (i.e., a ucf file and a top level verilog file) from a
>> simulink model. I don't know which yellow blocks are currently supported
>> for ROACH2, but if the ones you need work, this is probably the easiest
>> route to generating a template ISE project. If this is the way you want to
>> go, we should talk more somewhere. But you should be aware that you'll be
>> placing yourself on the bleeding edge, where things are, well, bloody.
>> Cheers,
>> Jack
>> On Tue, 21 Jun 2016 at 06:06 Andrea Melis <andrme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jack,
>>> how are you doing?
>>> I would ask you a question, I am interested in developing projects fully
>>> in VHDL into the ROACH2 (equipped with ADC 5GS and mezzanine cards SFP+),
>>> is available the VHDL code for the various blocks of the CASPER library? Is
>>> the code generated after the compiling?
>>> In particular I would need a “template” VHDL containing especially the
>>> I/O parts like the ADCs and the 10 Gbe outputs blocks, in order to have a
>>> VHDL skeleton as a starting point for whatever digital signal processing
>>> on-chip.
>>> Please let me know whether it already exists or whether it can be
>>> technically done, I thank you in advance
>>> Cheers
>>> Andrea
> --
> Adam Isaacson
> DBE: FPGA Engineer
> 3rd Floor
> The Park
> Park Road
> Pinelands
> 7405
> Tel: +27215067300 (W)
> Fax: +27215067375 (W)
> Cell: +27825639602

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