I am trying to parse a file that may have additional elements that are unforeseen.  I 
do not need to parse those elements.  Therefore, I tried telling the unmarshaller to 
ignore extra elements.   It does not seem to work.

Here's the exception:

org.xml.sax.SAXException: unable to find FieldDescriptor for 'SOME_TAG' in 
ClassDescriptor of myType{file: [not available]; line: 60; column: 18}

Here's the code: 

 Unmarshaller unmarshaller;
 unmarshaller = new Unmarshaller();
 reader = new FileReader(filename);
 myobj = (MyType)unmarshaller.unmarshal(MyType.class, reader);                  

Is this a bug?  I am using he CVS version of the new Castor from a couple of 
weeks ago.

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