On 13.03.2013 12:21, holger krekel wrote:
> Hi all,
> after some more discussions and hours spend by Carl Meyer (who is now
> co-authoring the PEP) and me, here is a new V3 pre-submit draft.  
> It is now more ambitious than the previous draft as should be obvious
> from the modified abstract (and Carl Meyers and Philip's earlier
> interactions on this list).  There also are more details of how
> the current link-scraping works among other improvements and incorporations
> of feedback from discussions here.
> We intend to submit this draft tonight to the PEP editors.  
> Feedback now and later remains welcome.  I am sure there are issues to 
> be sorted and clarified, among them the versioning-API suggestion by 
> Marc-Andre.
> Thanks for everybody's support and feedback so far,
> holger
> Title: Transitioning to release-file hosting on PyPI
> Version: $Revision$
> Last-Modified: $Date$
> Author: Holger Krekel <hol...@merlinux.eu>, Carl Meyer <c...@oddbird.net>
> Discussions-To: catalog-sig@python.org
> Status: Draft (PRE-submit V3)
> Type: Process
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 10-Mar-2013
> Post-History:
> Abstract
> ========
> This PEP proposes a backward-compatible two-phase transition process to speed
> up, simplify and robustify installing from the pypi.python.org (PyPI)
> package index.  To ease the transition and minimize client-side
> friction, **no changes to distutils or existing installation tools are
> required in order to benefit from the transition phases, which is to
> result in faster, more reliable installs for most existing packages**.
> The first transition phase implements easy and explicit means for
> a package maintainter to control which release file links are 
> served to present-day installation tools.  The first phase also
> includes the implementation of analysis tools for present-day packages,
> to support communication with package maintainers and the automated
> setting of default modes for controling release file links.   
> The second transition phase will result in the current PYPI index 
> to only serve PYPI-hosted files by default.  Externally hosted files
> will still be automatically discoverable through a second index. 
> Present-day installation tools will be able to continue working
> by specifying this second index.  New versions of installation
> tools shall default to only install packages from PYPI unless
> the user explicitely wishes to include non-PYPI sites.

I must say, don't like this change in motivation compared
to V1 and V2.

The original of the discussion was to make PyPI more secure
and the installation process faster and more reliable
by moving away from crawling arbitrary external web pages.

Both can be had by:

* limiting the crawling to package author defined specific
  URLs, with added hashes to make sure that the URLs and
  their target content is not modified (this is the securing
  external downloads part - see here for an example:

* adding a way for the package authors to say "PyPI, please go
  ahead and cache/copy my distributions files" (this is the
  increase download reliability part - can be had by doing
  opt-in CDN caching/proxying of external links via PyPI)

Now, with V3 of the proposal, you are moving towards a system
that basically says "do it this way, or stay out of our eco
system", which, in my book, is not what the Python eco system
is all about.

Your V2 was much more inviting in this respect.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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