On Wed, 9 May 2007, Peter Karman wrote:

My experience tells me that lots of subclassing is a bad smell. Delegation is often simpler and less fraught with possibility for name conflicts.

What do you mean by delegation?

Delegation is "has-a" relationships, as opposed to "is-a".

Here's a practical Catalyst example of both subclassing and delegation in action together.

In the big Catalyst project I'm working on now, I wanted to have some custom accessors in my response object. These are things which are specific to my app, like breadcrumbs.

I have a very minimal Response subclass that simply adds some accessors:

 package VegGuide::Response;

 use base 'Catalyst::Response';
 __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( 'alternate_links', 'breadcrumbs', 'keywords' );

That's the subclassing piece. The delegation is that rather than implement the functionality of breadcrumbs in the response object, the breadcrumbs accessor simply returns a VegGuide::Breadcrumbs object.

On a side note, Catalyst plugins as a rule seem to jam _way_ too many methods into the things they extend (the session plugin is truly egregious). Some day I'd like to write a version of the session plugin that adds one method to the core Catalyst object, session(), and all the rest of the methods would be available via the object returned from session().


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