Good morning,

On 20/6/07 at 7:49 AM +0100, Matt S Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Most probable cause:

You've got a mistyped $c->model(...) or c.model(...) declaration somewhere
which is falling through to Catalyst's regex search, and -was- originally
finding the right class because of that but the addition of the extra class
has caused the hash order for the search to change and now you aren't.

Likely candidates are either a typo or missing DB:: off a DB::Foo-style
DBIC::Schema model reference.

In an effort to eliminate possible spelling errors as the cause, I removed all controllers except Root and changed to only have one action (index) which simply sets $c->response->body. In that configuration the problem goes away.

I slowly added controllers back and the problem didn't recur until I added the last controller back. To determine if problem was with that specific controller, I removed a different controller and the errors goes away.

So, I'm not having the same problem with controllers as with models. There seems to be a limit on the number of controllers or models. I add one more and I get the 'file not found' error, it doesn't seem to matter which controller or model I add, only the number of them.

At this point rather than asking for specific solutions, does anyone have suggestions on how to debug this problem? Bill suggested enabling debugging in Template::Provider (see other message in this thread) but I'm not having any luck with that.

Some very anxious people mulling around on this end. All assistance is appreciated.


   Charlie Garrison  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

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