Good morning,

On 20/6/07 at 4:32 PM +1000, Charlie Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've run into a problem that I can't make any progress with; hoping someone might be able offer suggestions.

Development was moving along nicely and then I suddenly got the following error 
in a response:

Couldn't render template "file error - welcome.tt2: not found"

I broke out the debugger and I think I found the cause of the problem (at least *a* cause if not *the* cause). I have a custom view that I use for creating email messages. That view is getting found instead of the default View::TT.

That also explains why the TT:P debug output was not being printed; the TT view was not being used.

So, what are my best options for fixing this? (I'd also like to learn more and understand why adding another controller or module causes a different view to be used.)

I'm guessing the best solution is to specify which view RenderView should be using. I have done that by adding "default_view => 'TT'" to MyApp->config.

    name => 'MyApp',
    default_view => 'TT',

I also tested by setting current_view in the end/RenderView action.

$c->stash->{current_view} = 'TT';

Is one of those a 'preferred' method for setting the default view?

Is the problem I encountered symptomatic of a bug within Catalyst that needs to be fixed? As a 'quick' solution can I suggest the Catalyst debug output show which view is being used. Knowing that a different view was being used would have saved me many hours on this.

Anyway, back to work now. Even with this loss of time I'm still getting this project done much faster with Catalyst than using my old home-made framework. It's really good kit.


   Charlie Garrison  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

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