On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 10:49:03AM -0600, Nathan Waddell wrote:
> I'm signing up for the wiki as I write this. If that is the direction
> the documentation effort is going, I'm going to concentrate on it. My
> employer allows me to dedicate some of my time each week to 'creative
> projects unrelated to our core business' and is a big consumer of Open
> Source and Free Software - so they support my giving back to OSS/FS.
That's great. Be sure to thank your employer on my behalf (and probably
all of our behalves) for being so supportive. Many places let their
employees have pet projects, because it often produces real value for
the company that it would otherwise miss out through being too
narrow-minded, but I've never worked anywhere that encouraged people to
contribute to open-source projects they use.

In fact, going the other way, I've worked in one place where they
maintained a private fork of SQLite rather than allow programmers to
submit changes upstream. Needless to say, this piece of stupidity was
quite representative of management attitudes and the codebase as a whole.

It's not paranoia if the requirements changes really are out to get you.
http://surreal.istic.org/                      It's like a DEATH CIRCUS!

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