I'll be sure to pass the message on to my boss.

Yeah, there's few good reasons to maintain a private fork... and that
line of reasoning is definitely not one of them.

On Jan 23, 2008 11:49 AM, Daniel Hulme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's great. Be sure to thank your employer on my behalf (and probably
> all of our behalves) for being so supportive. Many places let their
> employees have pet projects, because it often produces real value for
> the company that it would otherwise miss out through being too
> narrow-minded, but I've never worked anywhere that encouraged people to
> contribute to open-source projects they use.
> In fact, going the other way, I've worked in one place where they
> maintained a private fork of SQLite rather than allow programmers to
> submit changes upstream. Needless to say, this piece of stupidity was
> quite representative of management attitudes and the codebase as a whole.

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