Mike Whitaker wrote:

On 14 Mar 2008, at 19:00, Kirby Krueger wrote:


I'm writing a new web application, and have decided to jump into Catalyst (because I am smart.)

One thing that Catalyst seems to do well is have a good mechanism for plugging in standard approaches to things. Here at the University of Washington, we use a project called 'Shibboleth' for authentication: http://shibboleth.internet2.edu/

I dunno exactly what Shibboleth does, but if the notes on dealing with external single sign on (http://catwiki.toeat.com/gettingstarted/tutorialsandhowtos/sso_authentication) are any help, steal away :) (JayK did sanity check them for me, and He Should Know :) )

I've made it, I've made it twice different ways.

I wonder why wiki suggests to override storage; overriding credentials should be much more reasonable.


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