From: "Chisel Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 07:31:09PM +0200, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
Especially for a beginner, but not only, the most simple way of creating
the DBIC classes for a Catalyst app is to use the DBIC::Schema helper.

I've seen that there are many components of DBIx::Class that can't be
used if using this helper, because they should be loaded before Core or
they require changing the part of the class that can't be modified.

Which is the recommended way for creating a complex app that needs using
those components?

I'm not 100% certain what you're asking here.

Are you using DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader with "create=dynamic"?

No, I use it with create=static.

I've always used "create=static" to give me the initial files
to work from, and have extended, adjusted and tweaked them as I extend
my schema.

After the initial has been run I make all changes manually.
I'm probably doing it "wrong" though.

When I make changes to the database, I use to make them all, then update the DBIC schema with the Catalyst helper. If I would need to make the changes manually, I could forget that I've changed the length of a field in a table, or that I added a foreign key in another table, and I don't know how to avoid that because using the Catalyst helper was much easier.

But maybe using the Catalyst helper only is not a good way either.

It would be very helpful if there would be a recommended way of using Catalyst, DBIC, HTML::FormFu, UTF8Columns, SHA-1 encoded columns and other few components which are very useful in a Catalyst app that would require as few effort as possible.


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