From: "Ashley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Nov 10, 2008, at 9:31 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
I've seen that there are many components of DBIx::Class that can't be used if using this helper, because they should be loaded before Core or they require changing the part of the class that can't be modified.

Which is the recommended way for creating a complex app that needs using those components? After we change something in the structure of some database tables, the single way of updating the DBIC classes is to make the update manually?

You can put the extra component calls into a BEGIN block in the editable-lower section of the package. I don't seem to have any sample code handy, sorry. It's come up on the DBIC list before, I think. You might dig around in there if it's not obvious how to proceed.


Thank you for the idea of using a BEGIN block because it could help in some situations.

However, if I need to use DBIx::Class::DigestColumns, I don't know how to add the following statement in a BEGIN block after it was already created by the Catalyst helper without the "digest_check_method" key:

       'password' => {
         data_type => 'char',
         size      => 32,
         digest_check_method => 'check_password',

I also searched for that thread you told about, but until now I couldn't find it.



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